Same fps with a GTX1070-FTW and 780ti-GHZ


Nov 8, 2013

In "Fallout 4" and "Skyrim" (both heavily modded) I have the same framerate with both GPUs, for example, in a point of Whiterun (Skyrim) I have 30 fps, with the new 1070 I have the same fps. The same with "Fallout 4". I was expecting in that point more or less 40-45 frames (I think the EVGA 1070 FTW is about 40-50% faster than the 780ti GHZ)

I don´t change Windows or configs of the games, The only diference is the GPU and the drivers.

I was expecting better framerate because the GPU is more powerful than the Gigabyte 780ti GHZ...

With "Witcher 3" or "Rise of the Tomb Raider" it is working much smoother, I supose that must be some kind of problem with the other two games, but don´t know what can be.

It is not about heat, because GPU is running max at 65-70ºC (and have the new BIOS) and my tower is well ventilated.

My PC spec is a 4930k@4.375, 64GB and games are instaled in a SSD Samsung 830.

Thank you all.

Sorry about my bad english.
Yes, allways playing with v-sync. The two games usually run at 60fps more or less, only in some points it drops to 20-30 (in F4 critical points are in the city). But as I said I was expecting better framerate in that critical points.
This is likely due to something called "Game DVR" that Windows 10 introduced a couple of months ago. It caps the frames on some systems, and in some games. Try disabling it and see if it works. Here's a video on how to fully disable it:

If you're not on Windows 10 however, ignore this, as it is irrelevant on any other Windows version, or operating system.
TCobra, thank you about the info, I didn´t know it. Usually I work with Win10, but Skyrim and F4 are in a SSD with W7, because of the 4GB limit for DX9 on W10 (Yes, an SSD only for this 2 games XD).