[SOLVED] Same price, which one to buy?

Nov 8, 2021
My friend asked me to look for gpu in nearby stores, and i found a gigabyte GT 1030 gddr5 model, and a GTX 1050 2gb model. There is also RX 550 4gb. All of them cost around 80-90 bucks.
The reason i asked this is because those 3 gpus is still on some stores. With my friends budget he can buy a 970 instead, but no store in our region have it.

This may sound snobby, but I would never build a machine with a target of 30fps. 30fps can strain the eyes, cause high input lag which in turn causes you to do worse in games, and you will never truly enjoy it. 60fps should be the minimum, 60fps is the new 30fps.

This is even more true when it comes to games like CSGO. You will be at a HUGE disadvantage to anyone else playing above 30fps, which is 90% of people. You will never be able to be competative.

I would not buy a 1050. I would keep saving.
The GTX 1050 is the best of the three but none are good for serious gaming unless it's games from 10+ years ago.
What do you expect to play? What are the full system specs and resolution?
The system specs here :

CPU i5 4460
RAM 4x8GB DDR3 1600mhz
Motherboard H81M-K
PSU Deepcool DN 500

Aimed resolution is 900p-1080p

Targeted game is :

GTA IV and V
Genshin Impact
Dota 2
I would expect some issues with 2gb of VRAM. I have never had a 1050 but think its close to my old 960 in performance.
Well, at least it should run decent, Gta IV on the other hand, has serious issues, even my GTX 970 struggles with that game, it has stutters from now and then, but I don't know why, I believe it's the optimization.
So, can it reach 30 fps on those games?
Because thats what we aimed for
Depends a lot on how graphics-intensive the games you want to play at are and the details level you want to play them at. A GTX1050 can do ~40fps in relatively intensive games like FFXV when all details are set to absolute lowest at 1080p.

The main reason people have a weird notion of what is CPU/GPU-intensive in competitive games like CSGO and DOTA is because competitive gamers are often aiming for 200+fps. Anything will become CPU/GPU-intensive when aiming for absurdly high frame rates.

Most modern IGPs can manage 60fps in e-sports titles at low-ish details in 720-1080p and the GTX1050 is a fair amount faster than the best IGPs currently available. It'll do fine if you don't mind sacrificing details to avoid busting straight through the 2GB VRAM.
Depends a lot on how graphics-intensive the games you want to play at are and the details level you want to play them at. A GTX1050 can do ~40fps in relatively intensive games like FFXV when all details are set to absolute lowest at 1080p.

The main reason people have a weird notion of what is CPU/GPU-intensive in competitive games like CSGO and DOTA is because competitive gamers are often aiming for 200+fps. Anything will become CPU/GPU-intensive when aiming for absurdly high frame rates.

Most modern IGPs can manage 60fps in e-sports titles at low-ish details in 720-1080p and the GTX1050 is a fair amount faster than the best IGPs currently available. It'll do fine if you don't mind sacrificing details to avoid busting straight through the 2GB VRAM.
No need to worry, as long as it still look like a game and not pixelated mess, me and my friend were ok with that
The reason i asked this is because those 3 gpus is still on some stores. With my friends budget he can buy a 970 instead, but no store in our region have it.
I believe you can no longer buy a gtx 970 brand new, only used or refurbished.

Is you could get a 970 for a good price, that would be great. The 970 is a still a pretty decent card, I have one and I play most of my games at high settings, and some to ultra with above 60fps.
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The reason i asked this is because those 3 gpus is still on some stores. With my friends budget he can buy a 970 instead, but no store in our region have it.

This may sound snobby, but I would never build a machine with a target of 30fps. 30fps can strain the eyes, cause high input lag which in turn causes you to do worse in games, and you will never truly enjoy it. 60fps should be the minimum, 60fps is the new 30fps.

This is even more true when it comes to games like CSGO. You will be at a HUGE disadvantage to anyone else playing above 30fps, which is 90% of people. You will never be able to be competative.

I would not buy a 1050. I would keep saving.
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