Samsung 24" LED Syncmaster S24A350H review + help for understanding...


Nov 23, 2011
Hi guys,

I was walking over a website, which has Samsung 24" LED Syncmaster S24A350H for a very cheap price (252$ in my country), and I was looking this monitor up for reviews - but I couldnt find any really.

Anyone in here who has or have tried this monitor? Is it good for playing games at 1920x1080 ?

My old monitor, is a Samsung 22" SyncMaster 206BW. I like it. But I just need a new monitor. I want to run games in Full HD, and some small annoying summer bugs (I dont really know their name in english, but they are like 2 mm long), are under my monitor for some strange reason. That shouldnt be possible. I have probably been very unlucky regarding my monitor. But I also fear that my new monitor might suffer from this.

I am however, the only one in the household with this sort of problem, plus some in my household have the same series of the monitor, just smaller. I dont really know if its same series, just same design so I figured that i was.

Anyways, can anyone recommend this monitor for gaming? Is there anything I should be aware of? Like the problem that I have with my monitor lol.


Dec 13, 2011
The Samsung S24A350H is a great monitor, so I would suggest going for it!

The problem with your bugs in the monitor, I had the same problem about 6 months ago with my old monitor. What I did was I let the monitor sit a while in a bright room, especially at night (so house lights all on) with the monitor off. The bugs are attracted to light, and obviously went through the seal of the plastic to the actual screen into the back where they could find the light. So as they are attracted to light, they should come out and go towards the house lights (basically out of your monitor. If you want to speed up the process (so they can actually get out easily as these bugs often forget things) you could get something soft and put it between the side plastic and the monitor screen - be careful though, don't ruin the screen!
Either do that, or wait for the bugs to die which the eventually will...

You shouldn't have the same problem with your new monitor - very unlikely, though if it does happen and your screen is still under warranty, get it replaced as you can claim the monitor wasn't sealed properly and allowed bugs in or something along those lines.