Samsung 840 EVO performance?!


Mar 27, 2013
Hello everybody,
I'm running a Samsung 840 EVO 250gb as my OS drive and i have just recently upgrade its firmware to EXT0BB6Q.
Then i have ran a CrystalDiskMark on it to check the speeds. (never done this before)
Here is the picture with results:

My question is simple:
Are these number real? I'm not sure if i'm reading them right or what, but they seem a bit high?
My configuration is as follows:
CPU: AMD FX-8350
Motherboard: ASUS M5A97 r2.0
RAM: 8gb Kingston HyperX Beast 1866Mhz
GPU: Sapphire HD 7870XT
SSD: Samsung 840 EVO 250gb
HDD: WD 1TB Blue
PSU: Thermaltake 630S 80+
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate SP1
Yes, they are most likely real. You have RAPID enabled, which allows use of up to 1GB of your system memory to be used as a cache for the SSD, so in a sense you are using CrystalDiskMark on your DDR3 to a point, which as you see gives you great numbers. You can disable RAPID and re-run the tests to see the difference.
Yes, they are most likely real. You have RAPID enabled, which allows use of up to 1GB of your system memory to be used as a cache for the SSD, so in a sense you are using CrystalDiskMark on your DDR3 to a point, which as you see gives you great numbers. You can disable RAPID and re-run the tests to see the difference.