Sorry up front - I'm an SSD noob.
I'm about to refit my system - new MB/CPU/Memory, new graphics card, and so on. One of the things I want to do is join the world in SSD land (right now I have some Samsung 7200 drives).
So first, my plan is to organize my filesystem like I have it now: A C: drive with the operating system, program files (including Steam), and other system stuff (including paging space), and a D: drive with my user directory tree, search index, and all my data (pictures, videos, audio, etc). Does that make sense in SSD land, where the C: drive would be an SSD and the D: drive would continue to be mechanical? (I should add, I use the computer for graphical editing (photoshop, flash) and some very minor video and audio editing (so I have big files open sometime) as well as a lot of gaming (mostly FPS and Simulation type games - Crysis 3, Sim City "5", Civ 4 and 5, Flight Sim X, etc.).
Assuming it does...looks like I'm using about 165GB on my current C: drive. It doesn't grow very quickly (a few times a year I'll get some new games, that's about it) so I was assuming a 256GB SSD would do me for at least a few years. Do you all agree?
I typically like to get the best/fastest hardware I can get without going crazy on the price. So while I could spend $1000 on a new CPU, I won't - I'll stick to the $150-$300 range. Looking at 256GB SSD drives I see the "top tier" drives are all in the $190-$230 range, so in this case I figured I'd go ahead and get what sounds like the current king, the Samsung 840 Pro ($230).
However, I noticed then that the Samsung 840 (non-pro) 256GB is to be had for only $155, and performance-wise it seems to be heads above the other SSD drives in that price range. So next question: Would the "Pro" difference be worth $75 to me? Would I notice it?
Lastly - should I consider going 512GB instead? I could get a Samsung 840 (non-pro) 512GB for only $280, which isn't pretty good considering it's $50 for double the space...
Any advice or suggestions are welcome!
Sorry up front - I'm an SSD noob.
I'm about to refit my system - new MB/CPU/Memory, new graphics card, and so on. One of the things I want to do is join the world in SSD land (right now I have some Samsung 7200 drives).
So first, my plan is to organize my filesystem like I have it now: A C: drive with the operating system, program files (including Steam), and other system stuff (including paging space), and a D: drive with my user directory tree, search index, and all my data (pictures, videos, audio, etc). Does that make sense in SSD land, where the C: drive would be an SSD and the D: drive would continue to be mechanical? (I should add, I use the computer for graphical editing (photoshop, flash) and some very minor video and audio editing (so I have big files open sometime) as well as a lot of gaming (mostly FPS and Simulation type games - Crysis 3, Sim City "5", Civ 4 and 5, Flight Sim X, etc.).
Assuming it does...looks like I'm using about 165GB on my current C: drive. It doesn't grow very quickly (a few times a year I'll get some new games, that's about it) so I was assuming a 256GB SSD would do me for at least a few years. Do you all agree?
I typically like to get the best/fastest hardware I can get without going crazy on the price. So while I could spend $1000 on a new CPU, I won't - I'll stick to the $150-$300 range. Looking at 256GB SSD drives I see the "top tier" drives are all in the $190-$230 range, so in this case I figured I'd go ahead and get what sounds like the current king, the Samsung 840 Pro ($230).
However, I noticed then that the Samsung 840 (non-pro) 256GB is to be had for only $155, and performance-wise it seems to be heads above the other SSD drives in that price range. So next question: Would the "Pro" difference be worth $75 to me? Would I notice it?
Lastly - should I consider going 512GB instead? I could get a Samsung 840 (non-pro) 512GB for only $280, which isn't pretty good considering it's $50 for double the space...
Any advice or suggestions are welcome!