Samsung 960 pro on a dell xps 15 9550?


Dec 18, 2016
Hi. Just got a Samsung 960 pro. Tried to install win 10 on a Dell 9550 via usb but bios don´t detect the disc. Are there any [strike]compatible[/strike] compatibility problems here? Please help.


There are no compatibility issues. You just need to download current F6FLPY drivers. During the windows installation, it will ask you for drivers, and you can then install your flash drive with the drivers, Windows will detect the needed driver, and you're away and laughing. I just did this last night for the same reasons. I upgraded my SSD to the 512 Samsung 960.
I just switched from the original ssd disc. Changed from raid to ashi and booted from the usb win 10 installation. When window says what disc i will install win on the disc doesn`t show up!

There are no compatibility issues. You just need to download current F6FLPY drivers. During the windows installation, it will ask you for drivers, and you can then install your flash drive with the drivers, Windows will detect the needed driver, and you're away and laughing. I just did this last night for the same reasons. I upgraded my SSD to the 512 Samsung 960.