Samsung C24FG70FQU 144hz curved gaming monitor issue!


Apr 10, 2016
My monitor works properly when i am using 120hz mode in my monitor, but when i change refresh rate to 144hz the magic happens. To the screen appears flickering/blinking lines. What do i have to do? Any ideas? I am also using dual monitor setup.

Photo of "lines":

If you need this information my specs are i5-4460, msi gtx960 4gb, asrock h81m-hds.

Things that i have tried: Latest drivers, changing some settings in NVIDIA control panel, with one monitor, with new cable. I will update this list when i try new things.

Thanks for help! :wahoo:

I am not using adapters and i use display port cable and have bought new one and didn't work.

It might. The official specs say it works up to 120 Hz on HDMI, but every monitor I have used that said that, still worked at 144 Hz over HDMI anyway.

I tried HDMI and it only supported 60-120hz mode. 🙁

First i thought that it worked, but it really didnt. Still same issue when 144 hz mode on.


I am still having same issue and now i am only using 120hz mode on. I have actually tried everything, only one monitor, with different cables and all settings from nvidia controlpanel and from monitor.

Moro, en ole saanut korjattua. Jimms olisi varmaan hyvittänyt mutta olin laiska enkä jaksanut lähettää näyttöä takaisin. Eli häviääkö sulla siis noi viivat kun käytät 144hz modea hdmi piuhalla jonkin aikaa? Itse käytän displayporttia ja 120hz, koska viivat häiritsi itseäni liikaa.
Viivat häviävät 144hz modella parinminuutin kuluttua displayportilla kokeilin toisella displayport kaapelilla ja näyttöön tuli vihreää valoa välillä enkä usko että saan näyttöä palautettua koska se on ostettu amazon uk:sta 7kuukautta sitten