Samsung Developing Tablets with 2,560 x 1,600 Displays

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What's with this movement for higher pixel resolution on these small forms factors? I've got an 11 inch screen tablet with a resolution of 1920x1080 and, frankly, even that seems more than is necessary.
i would like to see a laptop thats under £1000 with a 1080p first please, i refuse to buy a laptop with 720p but i also dont see why i have to pay twice as much for 1080p
What's with this movement for higher pixel resolution on these small forms factors? I've got an 11 inch screen tablet with a resolution of 1920x1080 and, frankly, even that seems more than is necessary.
Danges, with iOS, Android, and Windows RT, I agree with you. With some full Windows 8 Pro tablets, you basically get fully capable Ultrabook style hardware. Add in a Bluetooth mouse, keyboard (my Windows 8 pro tablet comes with a keyboard/stand) and an micro HDMI/VGA cable and you've got a machine that is every bit as functional as an ultrabook, but with the ability to seamlessly switch to tablet form factor and be used for media consumption.

When it all comes down to it, you may as well just keep your ultrabook and get a cheap Android tablet for media consumption, but you may also find that the types of tablets you are looking for are already here. I am really sold on my Iconia W700.
What is the problem in this high resolution for the tablet? People just like to complain a lot... Why not complain Apple's retina display which is 2048 x 1536 and it is higher than 1920x1080.

When it say retina display on iPAD or Mac book pro, everyone applauds, rarely you heard that it is "UN-NECESSARY".
If the design still looks like crap, I still wouldn't consider it... Is it really that hard to design something remotely slick, like the sony tablet z...
Samsung has become the master of larger display phone but has not attained the display quality provided by apple smart phone but I think these two new tablets can be worthwhile. The general resolution of Samsung has been high one of best in note series but still there is a lot to go…

I complain because it's a more expensive component which adds nothing to the experience.

In the case of Apple, people also applaud it for having Wifi and the ability to check e-mail on a phone, and a host of features other branded phones had a year or more before Apple's iteration. Oddly enough, I've never heard hordes of people getting excited over non-Apple products released with higher than Retina resolutions - in fact, I've heard Apple fans say "nope, Apples is still better - it's not 2,560 x 1,600, it's better." Apple has a dedicated fan base that they literally tell what is important and that fan base thinks it's just the greatest, most advanced thing in computing and everyone else is playing catchup or for some reason inferior.

I still maintain... 1920x1080 for an 11'ish inch screen is already a higher pixel density than I can even really make out reasonably. No visual artifacts, no jaggies, nothing... Isn't more a redundant marketing feature? I'm all for adding useful features, but is this actually useful, or is it something we're just told is good and we tech oriented types lap it up?
Its good to see Samsung is willing to create tablets more capable of photorealistic presentation. In fact it's exciting. While I enjoy the display on my Note 8.0 LTE I wish it had the same display quality as my S4.

When is the resolution high enough for me? When a highly-focused razor-sharp photo looks just as razor sharp on screen as it does nicely printed (like it does on the S4, HTC One, or iPhone) . I'm surprised so few of you agree. On a 10" tablet 1920x1080 doesn't achieve that kind of clarity for me.

That model isnt available in the UK, the only place i can get it would cost be £1000

i can get a decent laptop for £450 with a 720p screen, how much extra would a 1080p screen cost? £50? no litterally you cannot get a 1080p screen in the uk much less than £1000. I'm not even joking, i've been looking for a long time
What is the problem in this high resolution for the tablet? People just like to complain a lot... Why not complain Apple's retina display which is 2048 x 1536 and it is higher than 1920x1080.

When it say retina display on iPAD or Mac book pro, everyone applauds, rarely you heard that it is "UN-NECESSARY".
Well, I don't have a tablet at all, because they are too expensive, but I have tryed normal and Retina Apple tablets in the shop and I have to say that retina display was much better when reading the text. It was so much sharper, that normal version seems allmost blurred compared to retina version. Och and i didn't see individual pixels in normal version either, but the difference was still huge. There is not a thing called too sharp/high resolution. If i could afford it, I would definitely buy as high resolution tablet as possible and 4K/8K monitor.

Sooner or later these better screens are coming to mainstream too. The only thing that is really bad with these high resolution screen (if not counting the price), is that they eat a lot of energy, so I am no so keen on getting very high resolution phone for example. 720p resolution in there is enough for me. The higher resolution would definitely look better, but I am not willing to reduse the time the phone can be used without charging the batteries...
Been using 2560 x 1600 display for 3 years now and never looked back at 1080p I'm looking forward to 4K displays in the next year or 2 for under $1500. For now a single GTX 780 powers my display just fine in all games. If you can afford it go for one. So much better than those cheap 22-24" 1080p ones.
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