Windows 8 without a touchscreen is junk.
Had to say it.
Outside of Windows 8 packing the single highest amount of suck since Windows ME, there are other things to take into consideration before laying all the fail on the OS.
1. Tablets and phones are sucking the desktop/ laptop market dry.
2. Driver support isn't there where Win8 performance hasn't been as good in games as Win7.
3. Win8 really is a touchscreen interface, without a touchscreen it isn't what I'd call usable because it doesn't flow as easy with a mouse and keyboard.
4. Big companies are going to hold on to Win7 and even Vista kicking and screaming before they sink a dime into training employees and IT people a radical new interface that many users find confusing.
5. Win8 maintenance is confusing unless you've been TRAINED for Win8. You can't just go to the control panel anymore, you have to know the secret of the charms bar because the control panel functionality has been nerfed down to the equivalent of right click in an empty space on the desktop.
Sure, there were GRADUAL CHANGES from one version of windows to the next, it allowed all of us to adapt to the next version with relative ease. Problem is when Linux looks more like Windows than Windows does, well, MS screwed the pooch.