Samsung Galaxy S III Sales Top 10 Million

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lol like you need to wait, modders are all over the world improving everything even before launch... its not like kids apple that cant be modify if Ouija Jobs doesnt approve it... i just wish that samsung spends so much on blatant publicity like apple that pays to put their logo everywhere in movies and things!
Meanwhile all iPhone users are stressing out over their "shrinking" connector! C'mon iPhone users, we'll be happy to put aside our differences when you make the switch, now is as good a time as ever!
oh no. this is bad. most of them may need to signup a 2 years contract. bye bye iphone 5
The battery sucks in comparison to the MAXX. That's all I care about, even though the S3 is otherwise, the better phone. The battery still sucks in comparison. I stop there.
dont like apple much, think too highly of themselves. stop with the legal battle and do battle on product improvements.

i own an s3 btw, but we also have some apple devices at home.

how old is apple's icon btw? the app icons i mean, not the actual apple logo
[citation][nom]JOSHSKORN[/nom]The battery sucks in comparison to the MAXX. That's all I care about, even though the S3 is otherwise, the better phone. The battery still sucks in comparison. I stop there.[/citation]

but you have to realize the battery on the s3 is replaceable/upgradable. i dont personally own an s3, but i do have the s2, and i can tell you that there are 3800 mAh batteries which sell with custom back covers even for the carrier specific sprint version that i have. going by this i would expect third party batteries to be readily available for about 20-30 dollars for the s3.
[citation][nom]thepieman[/nom]but you have to realize the battery on the s3 is replaceable/upgradable. i dont personally own an s3, but i do have the s2, and i can tell you that there are 3800 mAh batteries which sell with custom back covers even for the carrier specific sprint version that i have. going by this i would expect third party batteries to be readily available for about 20-30 dollars for the s3.[/citation]
try 70-100 dollars...nice try
Wife made me get her one (she had a pathetic optimus s for the last 1.5 years).
I was reluctant at first as between her optimus and my evo I had grown tired and annoyed with Android.

She has had the phone about a week now and I have had ample time to play with it and set it up for her.

I have to admit I am very impressed. The phone is absolutely gorgeous, battery lasts plenty long enough, ICS is much much better than gingerbread, performance is stellar, and the screen is beautiful.

I've been so impressed that I have almost reconsidered my stance on not getting another android phone. I am going to still wait until November and compare WP8 to ICS/Jelly bean and then re-evaluate.

The SG3 has set the bar pretty high though. I did a side by side comparison with the HTC Evo 4G LTE and my wife and I both agreed we liked the SG3 more. The build/design of the Evo was overall higher quality but software was what made up our minds. The Evo still had lag/studders with screen transitions and in a few other places and (as a current Evo owner) we could definitely attribute it to the Sense skin. The SG3 touchwhiz was less intrusive and seemed to feel smoother overall.
I just feel terrible for the people that would be tied down to a 2/3-year contract on any Android phone. Things advance so fast that by next year there'll be complaints of it being slow.
nebun , You really need to refine your shopping skills. I Just got a high density 2500 mAh bat with NFC for my S3 for 30$ off of eBay. It's lasting about 4h more than the OEM one. That lasted just about as long as the iPhone 4s does. Batteries are cheap and available for almost all android phones. Keep on buying the expensive charging cards for you IPhone 4s if you want extended battery life. As for the S3, the OLED screen is just the best on the market. LCD is going the way of the Dodo bird.
hmmm. all my friends who've tried the S3 say it doesn't feel very "there" because it's so light. I mean this negatively (not very, i'm not trolling here). So do you ppl also feel the same about it? I personally prefer that my phone to be slightly heavy. Lumia 800-heavy, for example. Feels more solid.
[citation][nom]eddieroolz[/nom]I just feel terrible for the people that would be tied down to a 2/3-year contract on any Android phone. Things advance so fast that by next year there'll be complaints of it being slow.[/citation]

I just feel sorry for the people that would be tied down to a 2/3-year contract on any iPhone. Things don't move in that world at all, same boring puny screen with the same dummy-proof UI.
They should do study on how much the puny screen has permanently damaged a typical consumer's eyes. Study 2, how much dumber a typical user gets after using iOS.
I don't get the heavy = quality thing. I prefer it light and harder to damage then designed to break like the apple phones. I have kids with iPod touches on their 4th and 5 digitizers and they will soon hit the garbage can when they break again. Why do people keep on saying that the build quality of the apple products is so good if you have to put it in a hard case for it to say in a decent shape. GLASS back ??? looks good " In apples bank account for all the replaced phones " What's wrong with plastic. Looks really good, feels good in the hand, easy to replace for 7$, light and shatter proof.
looked at the s3, its an awesome phone, but i just cannot bring myself to spend $200 on a phone.
I have been using webos since the pre, and my 2 year contract had been up for a while. My pre2 was all i needed, but wall-mart was cleaning out the old s2's for .11 cents! (2/yr contr) And for .11 cents i just couldn't resist.
The galaxy s2 i777 is an awesome phone, but Android is clunky compared to webOS.
I put ICS 4.0.3 on it. not much difference, but all the apps do make up for the UI.
Open WebOS 1.0 will be out at the end of the year, cannot wait to see webOS on this beautiful screen.

I was hesitant as well since I have the SGS 2 that is a great phone. The screen is what made me change. It's by far the best screen on any phone and worth the money. The S2 does feel like a harder phone to break and mine is running Jellybean but the S3 build quality is really far greater than most people think. Take the time to actually hold and play with one before making a judgment on the build quality. WebOS was a nice OS but just never got it’s chance. It unfortunately can’t compare to jellybean thought and all the apps available on Android.
I upgraded to the GS3 from an iPhone4, I must say I am never going back to Apple. This phone is sexy. The iPhone is a very good phone, but this phone destroys it IMO.
jellybean has some great features, but its no webOS. OpenMobiles ACL will take care of all those android apps. sorry man just cannot give android its due.
Long live WebOS!!!

[citation][nom]amdwilliam1985[/nom]I just feel sorry for the people that would be tied down to a 2/3-year contract on any iPhone. Things don't move in that world at all, same boring puny screen with the same dummy-proof UI. They should do study on how much the puny screen has permanently damaged a typical consumer's eyes. Study 2, how much dumber a typical user gets after using iOS.[/citation]

At least Apple supports 2-3 years of updates for their phones. One of the huge draw backs of Android phones is OS upgrade-ability. You can get a phone, 6-12 months later you want the new OS and your phone won't upgrade to it. Very lame. Don't tell me about doing some workaround or hack to get a newer OS, I'm talking about fully supported upgrades.

[citation][nom]wemakeourfuture[/nom]At least Apple supports 2-3 years of updates for their phones. One of the huge draw backs of Android phones is OS upgrade-ability. You can get a phone, 6-12 months later you want the new OS and your phone won't upgrade to it. Very lame. Don't tell me about doing some workaround or hack to get a newer OS, I'm talking about fully supported upgrades.[/citation]

true, but its up to the manufacture to offer the update not android/google.
apple phones have updates because they control the hardware and the software. android/google does not.
[citation][nom]cptnjarhead[/nom]true, but its up to the manufacture to offer the update not android/ phones have updates because they control the hardware and the software. android/google does not.[/citation]

Very true, but from an end-user / retail customer point of view all they care about is can they get new and cool features. Along with increased profits for Google by getting into hardware, I think they also believe they can also provide a better holistic product since I'm sure they will have better support for their products then what's currently out there.
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