Samsung Laptop Powers ON, fan spins harder than before but the screen is Blank

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Jan 1, 2019
Hi guys,
anyone with an idea. My Samsung laptop powers ON the fan spins harder than before but the screen is black and no display.
I tried the following;
1. Removed & unplugged the AC adapter then pressed the power button for 60 secs.
2. Removed & wiped RAM terminal with a cloth/eraser RAM and replaced
3. Unscrewed the PC and replaced all connections
4. Removed the CMOS battery and replaced.
5. Tried to connect an external monitor but still no display
6. Placed the power+D button (as suggested by other threads)
Try this...

1. Turn the laptop off (not sleep or hibernate but off).
2. Connect an external monitor to the laptop.
3. Turn on the external monitor.
4. Turn on the laptop.

NOTE: You may have to press an "external monitor" button. Could be the f4 button or a button with two monitors on it, for the external monitor to work.

If you can see fine on the external monitor, then your attached display, or the ribbon cable that connects it, are your problem.

If you can't see on the external monitor at all, or the problem occurs on the external monitor as well, then it is probably the graphics card/GPU that is the problem, which may require the motherboard be replaced.

You may also want to try hitting CTRL + SHIFT + WIN + B to try and reset your graphics driver as another possible fix.
Thanks for the instant reply webworkings. I tried all the solutions as suggested by (connecting to a working external monitor, hitting the (fn+)f4 button). I went a mile extra again to unscrew the laptop and tried to cross-check for loose the connections. I tried to reset the graphic driver and switched the laptop off. Removed the battery & AC adapter and pressed & hold the power button for 60 secs to drain the capacitors. But still nothing happened and I can't have the display back.

I now come to conclusion that they is a H/W failure. Since it developed the fault, the fan spins heavily as if the CPU is getting overheated.
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