Samsung Story External 2TB died


Sep 18, 2014
one of HDD Case's input card diode burned.with no reason.(maybe electrical winding ? or who knows)
and voila hdd does not powering up.

I opened the case, disconnected HDD. and tested on a PC's sata. PC just wont power up too.(not only HDD. also PC wont power up if I connect to test the died HDD)

how can I rescue datas in it ?

I think its PCB (HDD Board) died. and if I could cahange with same version it maybe rework and I may rescue my datas. can I or not ?

here is my detail


Model : HD203WI
If your data is REALLY (think hundreds of $$$) important, then a data recovery service would be the most likely method of getting data off that disk. You could try finding a board and swapping. You will spend a bunch of time and money with no guarantee. You COULD mess things up such that even a recovery service might not be able to get data off.
couldnt find a proper pcb and seller (pcb=printed circuit board)
and samsung is not responsible to my emails.

it seems I have to use paralell data HDDs. and never touch them that where thay stay should keep their place on the table.
We ALL learn the hard way (loss of data) that backups are not optional... At least two copies of anything important. Two copies plus offsite or a disaster recovery plan for any CRITICAL data (family pictures, quicken, household inventory, etc).

If your data is important and irreplaceable then I would suggest that you should consult or send your drive to an expert recovery place. We have used WeRecoverData in retrieving data from failed hard drives with successful results so far.
Your drive needs to be open in a clean room environment with the proper tools needed for further evaluation. Doing any procedures on that drive which you are not familiar and have no experience could lead your data to be permanently lost.