Samsung Takes Another Jab at iPhone 5 in New Video Ad

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It is strange that people are willing to wait in line for a phone... but then again, I've waiting in line for stupid stuff before, so I guess I can't criticize too much.

As for the ad, it is just touting some extra software features that I'm willing to bet 99.5% of Galaxy S3 users never use. But hey, thats advertising for yeah.
Nice commercial.... iTardia is a disease that afflicts a large swath of the technologically illiterate population.... The cure for iTardia: do your homework! There is no royal path to technology.
[citation][nom]del35[/nom]Nice commercial.... iTardia is a disease that afflicts a large swath of the technologically illiterate population.... The cure for iTardia: do your homework! There is no royal path to technology.[/citation]

...ok figured it out - lol - this is now cool
I live in a house divided. I'm an Android guy, my wife loves her iPhone 4S and hates Android. I picked up a GS3 a couple weeks ago, and even my diehard anti-Android wife is lusting after it.

Bigger screen, higher resolution, simultaneous voice and data (seriously iPhone, it's 2012, get with the goddamn program). What's not to love?
I'm still trying to figure out how to watch a video and send email at the same time.

In the S2 you just hold down the home button. Click send and then do the same to go back to your video. Apparently, the formorons craphone that Apple just released wont even let you surf the net while on a call... Thought, it seems that there is a workaround that has been implemented by one of the data and service providers. But those unlucky to be using Verizon and Sprint can't do it....

iPhone is for so long on the market... it is for old people like VW Beatle

The sad thing is that the people lining up to buy the latest Apple craphone naively believe they are at the cutting edge of coolness (which in their feeble mind means "technology")---nothing could be further from the truth. There is nothing worse then a deluded moron that in an act of hubris celebrates his ignorance.
[citation][nom]willard[/nom]I live in a house divided. I'm an Android guy, my wife loves her iPhone 4S and hates Android. I picked up a GS3 a couple weeks ago, and even my diehard anti-Android wife is lusting after it.Bigger screen, higher resolution, simultaneous voice and data (seriously iPhone, it's 2012, get with the goddamn program). What's not to love?[/citation]

My wife had an LG Optimus S (with Andriod) and hated it with a passion. She talked me into taking her to the store to get an iPhone 4S in June. When we got there I talked her into playing with a demo Galaxy SIII. She immediately fell in love with it and decided to get that instead of the iPhone 4S.

Ever since then she has been loving her GSIII. In fact she loves it so much she wont let me play with it (I have an old first gen EVO). I am by no means a "Android Fan" but I am most definitely not an Apple person. Currently I am waiting for Windows Phone 8 to come out before I decide to upgrade because I am going to choose between that or the GSIII. Right now the GSIII has set the bar pretty freaking high.
[citation][nom]willard[/nom]I live in a house divided. I'm an Android guy, my wife loves her iPhone 4S and hates Android. I picked up a GS3 a couple weeks ago, and even my diehard anti-Android wife is lusting after it.Bigger screen, higher resolution, simultaneous voice and data (seriously iPhone, it's 2012, get with the goddamn program). What's not to love?[/citation]

Actually you have been able to do voice and data with the iPhone since the 3G. It's the CDMA providers (Verizon/Sprint) that don't do it because of how the network works. Also, the Galaxy S3 only has a higher resolution due to a physically larger screen which means it needs the additional vert/horiz count or there would be image degradation, but the iPhone 5 display has a higher pixel density (326 PPI vs 306 PPI) which will actually result in a sharper image.

For a lot of people it's really just dependent on how much they've invested into either app store that determines whether or not they jump ship from one to the other.
[citation][nom]ELMO_2006[/nom]I'm still trying to figure out how to watch a video and send email at the same time[/citation]Push the square with the arrow coming out of it in the bottom right corner... its pretty easy
[citation][nom]ELMO_2006[/nom]I'm still trying to figure out how to watch a video and send email at the same time[/citation]
Press home button, then app drawer, then start video player. This is pretty much standard thing on any Gingerbread phones and newer, and maybe even older phones.
[citation][nom]ELMO_2006[/nom]I'm still trying to figure out how to watch a video and send email at the same time[/citation]
using the "video player" app, at the bottom right there is a screen size. just tap it after the movie starts and it will shrink the video widow size then you can text & watch the video at the same time.
[citation][nom]nexus9113[/nom]Actually you have been able to do voice and data with the iPhone since the 3G. It's the CDMA providers (Verizon/Sprint) that don't do it because of how the network works.[/citation]
No, it's the iPhone because it doesn't have the antennas required to do simultaneous voice and data on CDMA networks. My Verizon GS3 does simultaneous voice and data just fine, as did my Thunderbolt.

Also, the Galaxy S3 only has a higher resolution due to a physically larger screen
So? It's still a higher resolution. "Why" it has a higher resolution is irrelevant.

but the iPhone 5 display has a higher pixel density (326 PPI vs 306 PPI) which will actually result in a sharper image.
I challenge you to find a person who can tell the difference between 326 and 306 PPI in a blind test. Also, that new iPad screen that looks so fantastic, crisp and sharp? 264 PPI.

Resolution is much more important than PPI.
Thanks guys for the heads up tutorial, I did a *google* after the initial posting and found the solution as a typical n00b, I replied to a different response in this thread.

...rubbing his hands together...this is so cool
I find it entertaining to read comments from iHaters. No matter how they play down, criticize, or making shit of Apple products and its users, Apple is still doing well, and iPhone is still selling well. I can imagine these iHaters probably felt annoyed, frustrated, jealous, pissed off...., and they still cant do anything about Apple. Yet, Apple and its users still go about doing their usual. Sometimes I wonder if these iHaters brains are going to explode.
[citation][nom]ELMO_2006[/nom]I'm still trying to figure out how to watch a video and send email at the same time[/citation]
On the S3 you have a option to watch a minimised version of the video you are watching as an overlay which sits on top of your ui. So basically you can drag and drop the video anywhere on the screen, while texting or writing an email. Due to the large screen, its not as uncomfortable as it may sound and is actually pretty cool.
It's true Apple is doing well, especially after acquiring 1 billion$ from Samsung because Samsung is doing too well. Apple's not playing nice at all and the only reason why anyone would go out of their way to defend them is because of fanboyism. If you really looked at the issue from an objective point of view you'd acknowledge that Apple is losing their edge and resorting to dirty tricks to keep their margins growing.
...just for sh___s and giggles, I've read that Apple has just patented its own version of Face Recognition Unlocking for the iPhone. Have the rolls been reversed, is Apple NOW copying Samsung???

What happened to the so called innovative corporation that Apple is claimed to be?
[citation][nom]nuvon[/nom]I find it entertaining to read comments from iHaters. No matter how they play down, criticize, or making shit of Apple products and its users, Apple is still doing well, and iPhone is still selling well. I can imagine these iHaters probably felt annoyed, frustrated, jealous, pissed off...., and they still cant do anything about Apple. Yet, Apple and its users still go about doing their usual. Sometimes I wonder if these iHaters brains are going to explode.[/citation]

You came to an article that you knew was bashing the iphone, then you post how stupid everyone that doesn't like the iphone is? Apple is doing well, yay for apple, not apple users. Apple is making a HUGE profit from its user base, this is why Apple is doing so well, because its robing morons like you blind.

Go on believing that your special because you were one of the 50 million people that ordered an iPhone, what you are seeing from us isn't envy though, its pity.
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