Samsung Wants to Emulate Apple's Ecosystem

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No, Samsung, you'll lose your customers - because they buy your devices EXACTLY because they're NOT Apple's closed ecosystem. You're doing GREAT, there is NO NEED to emulate crApple. You'll fail because people who want that crap will just buy iStuff instead!

Every time someone says they want to "directly compete" with Apple on something, that company's new products soon become useless crap. Look at Windows 8. Seriously, does anyone EVER learn from others' mistakes?!
I agree. Samsung, youre doing fine. So what if someone died of radiation poisoning from one of your factories, you are still morally correct in everything else you do. You are what the consumer needs, so please, exploit the f*** out of 3rd world countries and please give us better stuff cheaper than apples offerings. Im off out to buy a Note2 to replace my iphone 3G. Knowing someone may have died making my new phone will make tapping on that large screen all the sweeter xx
Seriously guys? Read the source Zak copied from. He said nothing about copying apple. He's taking cloud and connectivity. Nothing about being like apple, just a feature apple has that is decent. Like a while ton of other cloud storage options.

All Zak did was.slap a misleading title on and cherry pick quotes to work you up, and its working. Go read the actual interview ffs.

jcesmi, when the hell did south Korea become a 3rd world country? Foxconn causes cancer, US factories have caused cancer. Manufacturing involves carcinogens. At least south Korea deals with it.
I really start to fed up Mr. Islams one sided and empty articles. The quality of his writings is unfortunately absolutely sub-par. Time... after time.

The annoying thing I find about this is that there are people who don't like Apple because of the ecosystem. Also, there are people who don't like the all-purpose-cloud-sync stuff such as for a small 8GB iPod touch. Apple would sync it to everything in my iTunes but I don't like all the songs but many I got through albums at a cheaper rate than buying the individual songs. Then there are multiple movies SOME of which I want but not room on the iPod for all of them. So...trying to sync EVERYTHING and is a pain.

Another point (rare for most these days) but slow internet services make cloud storage less than viable. With internet that takes a few minutes to upload or download each song, a sync-cloud system is just not usable even if it is desirable.

Still, I can see that some people would like a closed, syncing system for there device so my advice is to buy Apple. If not, buy Samsung/other-not-mentioned-here-companies.
If Samsung switches to a closed system a la Apple they will find that they soon follow Apple in market share too.

Please Samsung listen, we do NOT want to be locked into a closed system.
It is better for all Manufacturers to get together and figure out a joint system.
Yes, that means you may loose some potential customers to a competitor. However, that works both ways of course; in an open and compatible system you will also be able to attract new customers from your competitors.

Let the better product win because it is better, not because the cost of switching to a better system is prohibitively expensive.

Was Zak hired from Engadget. Looks like a Crapple fanboy.

Listen Zak, learn to write unbiased articles and stop trying to get cheap publicity
Come on guys! Some things Apple do is actually good!! - have a more open mind....think outside the box! Do you think Hendrix or Frank didn't take the best from the current and past and add a significant sprinkling of their magic/signature to create something unique and lasting?

Samsing isn't talking about mirroring everything about Apple, thank god!! 😉
A very vague article?
I what way does Samsung want to contribute to The "Ecosystem" and the cloud that already isn't there in Android?
Android has always been much more into the cloud even from the beginning compared to Ios, with everything synced up to your Google account.

And the Google Play store is also doing great being as big as apples Appstore now and will pass it soon.

So , this sounds like they are trying to fix a problem that really isn't there.

And, as many said, when it comes to the streaming of really big files in the cloud , like music and video, I don't think it is something that is practical, since most subscriptions are data limited and even if not, the bandwidth varies a lot and sometimes you lose the connectivity (like in tunnels and some other areas).
Just because Zak's article is not anti-Apple its unpopular? Of course. That's not objectivity. Apple does have a good ecosystem, that's just true for a lot non-iHate folks. Their devices are starting to lack iMO (I'm really dissapointed in the iPhone 5 and iPad Mini). If Samsung, with their great devices, can improve their ecosystem it'd be a win for them and us. Even Mr. Sohn, who is more qualified to say this than any of us, can see that.

The thing is that we as customer's don't have to lose the open, [strike]no [/strike]less-quality-control, anything-goes, side-loading, Android ecosystem that is so beloved for Samsung to improve their ecosystem. It seems like its more for us...not less. Try not to be so caught up in iHate as to be deluded.
Halcyon, in_the_loop, freggo, michaelSP, amk-aka-phantom, The problem here is not really what Sohn really said. If you read the actual REAL article, the guy is talking more about focusing on what's samsung is going to provide in terms of service than just using apple's closed ecosystem, apple is just an example to get ideas from. The fact that he uses apple a lot worries me a little, to be honest. The REAL PROBLEM HERE is ZAK ISLAM and his biased articles. His version of the original article is so stripped down and biased to "prove" that Samsung is copying apple. YOu know what, Zak, go to work to Fox News or any other ONE SIDED TV News channel. We want in Tom's unbiased articles not your one sided crappy point of view. Before this I thought different about Zak and thought that everyone else was exaggerating a little, but it is way proven now that Zak Zuks
^Remember, Zak's primary purpose is not to present the news as many here believe. Its to get you to click on the article and see any ads presented therein. Its a somewhat sad state of affairs but its the reality. So his titles and articles may seem a little provocative...the fact that we continue to come to them demonstrates he's doing as I'm sure his management desires.

I think what we've seen lately only confirms this. Yes, if you want just the facts you'll have to dig deeper, it is what it is but I don't hate on Zak for doing as instructed.
[citation][nom]halcyon[/nom]Come on kids, Zach is doing his job. You're here clicking and commenting which means he's right on target.[/citation]
You got it right. probably I'll stop commenting on his news articles, only if there was a way to know who is publishing the article before clicking in tom's, I would not even click in his articles.
Got my own cloud at home, thanks, and to be honest, I'm not keen on Samsung products, when they were not taking ideas from Apple's styling, they were hideous.

I currently have numerous trips to China, and I'm going to take a punt on their home branded phones as they are easily 1/3 of the price for similar specs.

[citation][nom]victorintelr[/nom]You got it right. probably I'll stop commenting on his news articles, only if there was a way to know who is publishing the article before clicking in tom's, I would not even click in his articles.[/citation]
Easy to tell Zak's. I say don't click on any article that doesn't sound right, i remember someone who had talked to Chris A. about crappy articles say that it was "all about the hits" on an article.
[citation][nom]halcyon[/nom]^Remember, Zak's primary purpose is not to present the news as many here believe. Its to get you to click on the article and see any ads presented therein. [/citation]

AdBlock-enabled browser here, Zak Islam and his management can keep waiting for me to see the ads forever.
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