Sapphire 280X is GARBAGE on BF4

Yes this isn't my first rodeo. Fresh windows 7 pro install, i5 2500, 8 gig ddr, old drivers completely removed, etc. I've seen other 280x users complaining about similar issues as well.
It could simply be a driver issue. I recommend you uninstall the current driver and get the newest validated driver from AMD. There is also possibility that there is something wrong with your OS. If you have a spare hard drive, you can try a fresh new installation of the OS of your choosing and see if that solves the problems. Although people complain about defected cards or mobos all the time this forum. the chance you actually getting one is quite small. It would be wise to check the software side carefully, before RMA your card. From what I heard, Sapphire has a pretty solid reputation as a AMD vendor.
I've done all of that mess (tried various drivers, 13.8, 13.12, whatever the latest is now I think 13.14, fresh installs, reformatting HDs, etc). The only constant is the other card does not have these issues (it just won't run BF4 on ultra). The bottom line is this card is more prone to crashes than my old setup, even when both are on fresh windows installs on freshly formated HDs. I'd love to keep it but it's junk. I'm sure it's not defective. It just doesn't work as well with BF4 as other graphics cards.


Funny how nobody else on tomshardware has complained about it. Also funny how I run two HD 7970s which are the same card and I have no issues whatsoever. You have a bad card, deal with it. It happens to all of us. If you have evidence of other R9-280X owners complaining about it, show us. If it's true, we need to know so that we can warn people about it. Right now though, I think you just have a bad card and you're venting because across the board so far, AMD performance in Battlefield 4 has been exemplary.

Yeah, it looks like the R9-280X is horrible at BF4. That must be it:
BF4 Ultra Gameplay on the R9-280X

People get bad cards, it doesn't matter what brand they are. Don't get the GTX 770 because:
There's no reason for me to go look up old threads. If I believed I was just unlucky and got a bad card that only fails once every three rounds of bf4, then I would just return it and get another card. My opinion is that a replacement card would have the same issues and that's based on what I've read (which is stored in my brain) and what I've experienced since installing and reinstalling this card (and playing with drivers, formatting HDs, etc).

I'd love to turn it into a science project but I have plenty of those and I just want to play bf4 with my buddies a couple nights a week. So I'll go with another card and I'll report back.

Here's at least one person having issues from a thread I bookmarked:

It's easy to find many others.
I can show you a video of me playing on ultra with the same card as well (around 80 fps). I didn't say it doesn't work at all. I said it crashes once every couple rounds.

Well go ahead then, I'm only trying to save you money. If every single R9-280X had that problem in BF4, AMD would have a crisis on their hands because it's THEIR game. We'd be reading people screaming it constantly on every tech forum there is. The thing is though, we're not. So it's not an R9-280X worldwide issue. Happy trails.
People blame the game most of the time - might not be the game in every case. I'm unbiased. Just look at the data and decide.