sapphire 8750 crossfire not working with second monitor.


Mar 2, 2014
i have 2 7850s crossfired, and i have 2 monitors plugged into the first one (which worked previously to the second one being installed) and when i connect a monitor to the second card it isnt able to detect it. the second video card is detected and ive downloaded all the drivers from their website. so im not sure what the problem is exactly
I would advise you to check the crossfire connections. If they're fine, check the monitor connectors. Also use AMD's software, eyefinity which comes installed with most cards.

all of these seem to be fine, and i am using catalyst (amd software) so any other suggestions?

could i possibly get a link to the eyefinity software download? im not finding anything, although i may just be being an idiot. thanks
You probably already have it installed. Just look closely. i'm not really good at AMD gpu's, i'm more more nvidia. But it should be there

also i just installed another cataylst driver and the second monitor turned on for a second but then my computer crashed to a blue screen and i had to restart it any idea what wouldve caused that?