Sapphire 9800 non-pro


Aug 8, 2002
Thinking about buying one. Looks nice for price/performance and allegedly OCs well.

Anybody own one and have experiences to share? Would be appreciated. If so, I'd be especially interested in knowing about overclocking experiences and how hot they run.

Also, does anyone know what kind of memory is on these cards? Samsung 2.8 or Infineon 3.0/3.3?

Hey kiwi.

You are making a wise choice. I just upgraded from a gf4 ti4200 64mb to a 9800np and let me tell you the difference is staggering. Please, please buy this card. I know you want to hear more than one person's opinion, and you still may cuz I know kinney just got one too and he's also very pleased with it. But this is, pretty much hands down, the best high-end budget choice. $249 @ newegg shipped. It easily competes with the 9700pro performance wise, but has the luxury of enhanced shaders n such for upcoming DX9 games.

As for oc ability, I'm not sure what memory I have(I forgot to check before I installed and I'm too lazy to check it right now...eventually maybe) but I've gotten some pretty decent overclocks with this card.

Default 325/580

I was able to get to 378/634 with no artifacts in artifact tester and 3dmark 01/03. Stock 9800pro speeds are 380/680. For some reason the oc utility I use doesn't allow minor increment changes so I haven't gotten an exact overclock ceiling for my card. But my 3dmark 03 score went up from default 4761 to 5280 oc'd.

[thumbs up]Ok, now go get you a shiny new 9800np.[/thumbs up]


"I'm a rageaholic."
(<i>starts crying</i>)
"I just can't live without rageahol." - Homer Simpson
sweet. ti4200 is what i'll be upgrading from too :smile:

If you could check the memory at some point that'd really be appreciated..

btw, is yours the sapphire OEM one, or one of the others?

Thanks for your reply :smile:

I just replaced a GF2MX with a 9800NP in my 2nd system. Its running with a P4 1.5ghz.

Mine has Infineon 3.3.. but I usually don't o/c my stuff anyway.

Most every NP with 3.0ns memory is gone by now.

Athlon 1700+, Epox 8RDA (NForce2), Maxtor Diamondmax Plus 9 80GB 8MB cache, 2x256mb Crucial PC2100 in Dual DDR, Geforce 3, Audigy, Z560s, MX500
What speed is your CPU? If you have like a 1.0 GHz, a 9800 probably won't help much, if any. But if you have 1.5 GHz or 1500+ or better you might get a decent performance boost..

My OS features preemptive multitasking, a fully interactive command line, & support for 640K of RAM!
Okay, scratch what I just said. That 9800 should give you a tremendous boost.

My OS features preemptive multitasking, a fully interactive command line, & support for 640K of RAM!
It is in fact the Sapphire OEM. I checked the memory and it's 3.3ns.


"I'm a rageaholic."
(<i>starts crying</i>)
"I just can't live without rageahol." - Homer Simpson