Sapphire HD 7750 Overheating?


Dec 27, 2012
Hello! Yesterday I bought a Sapphire HD 7750 1 Gb DDR5 and I must say that I'm very satisfied with this acquisition, but I noticed that my idle temps are higher than others people. On idle I have about 50 degrees and when playing BF3 on ultra it goes to 75 degrees. Is this normal?
My specs:
Cpu: Q6600 not oc.
4 gb ram ddr2
Psu with no name 460W.

Note: The GPU fan is running at aprox. 2500rpm (not 100% used, actually less than 50% usage) and the temps where measured with ATI Catalyst Center. Also I did not OC it or changed any setting.

Thank you very much for helping! If it will reach over 80 degrees I will try to take a closer look to it, to see if it's something wrong with the cooler. Also It might be my ambient temp...which is almost 35 degrees during the day. Thanks again!

I'm from Romania, but during the summer the temp reaches about 38 degrees. I'm sure that in my room are less than 30 degrees, almost 26-27 during the day. Is this the cause?

Haha...nothing to sorry for. I've seen some minutes ago, when playing BioShock Infinte on Ultra that the GPU temp reached 78 degrees. Right now it's on 55 degrees on idle...but I think I will leave it as that. I really appreciate your help !

Somethings definitely wrong here. I have a HD7770 and the idle temp as i write this is 32c and underload its 50c

Any ideas are welcome!