Sapphire HD 7950 dead?


Dec 21, 2013

I bought a used Sapphire HD 7950 to crossfire it with my other 7950.

When turning on the PC with both cards, I get no image, the system doesn't boot (Win7 64 bit) and the GPU fans of the new card aren't spinning. If I remove the new card, everything works fine. The new card alone also doesn't work.

Both cards are connected with separate 2x6 Pin power supply cables and the PSU has enough power.

Did I receive a faulty card? Or is something wrong with my system?

Before sending back a probably working card, what do you suggest can I try to get it working?


I tried that, still no luck. It refuses to work. I'll try to get another machine, where I can test the card.

Is there anything else I can try?