vertexx :
That's interesting - two TH reviews of the same card with quite different conclusions!
The answer is really simple:
This review (copied from settings page):
GeForce GTX 980 Ti: Nvidia
352.90 Beta Driver
All GeForce Cards in Grand Theft Auto V and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: Nvidia
352.90 Beta Driver
GeForce GTX Titan X, 980, and 780 Ti in all other games: Nvidia
347.25 Beta Driver
Radeon R9 290 X: AMD Catalyst 15.5 Beta
Radeon R9 Fury X and Fury: AMD Catalyst 15.15
My review:
AMD: Catalyst 15.20.1061B3
Nvidia: ForceWare
355.65 (GTX 950 only) / 355.60 (all others)
Other drivers
😉 Especially the GTX 970 got a light increase from driver to driver (improved memory management?). Not dramatically, but mentionable. And additionally I'm using another card as reference (Gigabyte). I spent two days only for benchmarking all cards in all games and resolutions on two similar systems (each benchmark runs min. three times to get plausible results). Ok, this costs a lot of time and man power, but it is always a question how to organize the day (and of honor). I'm the perfect Multi-Tasker
Different conclusion? May be we have a different point of view. Especially in Europe we take care about noise and efficiency, the typical Asian like noise and the battle for the last possible fps. The global market is too big and different to satisfy all
This is really not so easy and each reviewer must decide, which part is more important for him and his readers. Cooling, noise, power consumption, gaming performance, technical solutions like VR / Firmware, workmanship, personal impressions...
I have no emotional bindings to any product, but nearly 300 VGA cards in my archive (consumer and workstation, four and more generations). And I must test each month a lot of VGA cards for charts or to collect raw data. This large input can help to get a better feeling with drivers and how to find the most objective conclusion. It is always important to find the right, non-biased balance. I'm more an engineer and I'm a little bit fallen in love with my equipment, but not with the tested cards. Mostly
BTW: Eight reviews for Tom's Germany per month, own labs for product development and audio plus a family with two small boys (1 and 3 years old) - this is the perfect mix to practice. Scheduling is 99% of the success