Sapphire R9 390X


Aug 7, 2014
Hey guys, i'm looking to buy a new GPU and i currently found one semi-new Sapphire R9 390X Tri-X OC cheaper than the New R9 390 i can find here in my country. I'll be buying a Corsair RM750 PSU next week, so i'll have the requirments to use this GPU.

But i'm thinking really about AMD Polaris GPU's, some sites said that they're really close to the launch, and for the leaks, they may outperform R9 390X very easily with entry models.

I'm amazed by the DX12 Low ASync usage Benchmarks already shows absurd improvments in the R9 390 and R9 390X.

Would you guys recommend me to get this GPU before the guy sells it for another person, or wait until Polaris?
Yeah, depending on where you live the pricing for polaris might be really bad. If computer parts are expensive where you live now, chances are Polaris is going to be very expensive when it comes out just due to scarcity. If you don't live in the US, Japan, or China you aren't going to get good prices on computer parts.

I'd go for 390X in this case just because you know you are getting a deal compared to Polaris in which might end up being too expensive where you live.
That's something to think about. My country its currently on a severe crisis. A GTX 970 Costs 5X+ Than in U.S. for you to have an idea. When Polaris comes out, it maybe much more expensive, maybe 2x more than this R9 390X i've listed above, and if that it's true, i think doesn't worth pay that Premium for the Polaris, only if it's 2x+ the performance from R9 390X.

This R9 390X i've found, it's for around $265,00.
Yeah, depending on where you live the pricing for polaris might be really bad. If computer parts are expensive where you live now, chances are Polaris is going to be very expensive when it comes out just due to scarcity. If you don't live in the US, Japan, or China you aren't going to get good prices on computer parts.

I'd go for 390X in this case just because you know you are getting a deal compared to Polaris in which might end up being too expensive where you live.