Also, just as a matter of elimination run "dism" and "sfc /scannow".
Could well be some corruption somewhere.
= = = =
Be wary of Registry edits: Last resort and should be done ( if at all) only after a full system backup of data and the Registry itself.
Ensure that the backups are recoverable and readable.
Another idea (to follow along with
@Moonstick2 )
Before all that give Powershell a try - especially the following
Get cmdlet
Get-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Bound -Unbound
Lengthy list....
Here is what my system reported with respect to "Delete":
Delete DeleteChar Delete the character under the cursor
Unbound DeleteCharOrExit Delete the character under the cursor, or if the line is empty, exit
the process.
Unbound DeleteEndOfWord Delete to the end of the current word, as delimited by white space and
common delimiters.
Unbound ViDeleteBrace Deletes all characters between the cursor and the matching brace.
Unbound ViDeleteEndOfGlob Delete to the end of this word, as delimited by white space.
Unbound ViDeleteGlob Delete the current word, as delimited by white space.
Unbound ViDeleteToBeforeChar Deletes until given character.
Unbound ViDeleteToBeforeCharBackward Deletes until given character.
Unbound ViDeleteToChar Deletes until given character.
Unbound ViDeleteToCharBackward Deletes backwards until given character.
There were also entries referencing the cursor and others.
My suggestion is for all to take a look at our systems and compare enties.
Hopefully discover some difference in
@RangerBobM 's result versus other posters' results.
I believe that I can filter the
Get results to focus on "Delete" related results to make it easier to compare results. TBD.