Error on the page 3 BF4 4K tests: it looks like you've swapped the labels for reference 290X and 970.
Speaking of the reference 290X, did you not have an aftermarket 4GB 290X available? If the idea is to isolate variables, why not get a 290X that wouldn't be hampered by poor cooling? Seems to me that would have been the better comparison.
And I too don't understand what you mean by Sapphire not being traditionally a premium brand. Tom's has given numerous awards to their cards in the past and the Vapor-X cooler has long been one of the best on the market.
And I have to agree with others here that 1440 and XFire tests would have been very appropriate for this card.
I'm not trying to tear you down, Don. I regularly enjoy your writing. I think you just missed the mark a little on this one.