Question SAS drive IO errors. Am I using the wrong connectors with my HBA?

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Daylon Rankin

Jan 9, 2014

I recently bought:
an LSI SAS9201-16e HBA (4 external SFF-8088 connectors)
a cable (SFF-8088 to 4 sata (Link))
and a couple of 2TB SAS HDDs (Hitachi HUS72302 CLAR2000) Model: (HUS723020ALS640)

and I happened to have a sas-to-sata interface adapter like this one Link.

I plugged everything up, the LSI HBA is working great and reads my sata drives just fine, but when I try to initialize either drive using disk management (I am using Windows Server 2016 GUI) it locks up for a few minutes then gives me the message "the request could not be performed because of an I/O device error".
I also tried using the "convert" command with DISKPART and get the same error. The event log for this error says "VDS fails to write boot code on a disk during clean operation. Error code: 8007045D@02070008". This happens both with MBR and GPT.

I am completely new to SAS drives and had a heck of a hard time finding information about compatibility on the Internet, so I'm assuming I don't have the right combination of hardware to get these disks to work. I have tried using the interface adapter I mention in the first paragraph, as well as trimming the sata connector to make it fit directly to the drive.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Daylon Rankin

Jan 9, 2014
It turned out that the drives had come from an EMC array and though that MODEL drive is typically compatible with the hardware I have, they had been preconfigured with a non-standard sector size that Windows will not initialize. I solved the problem using this guide:

The drives now work, however they perform at about 60MB/s write rather than the 150MB/s speed I get with the same model drive that did not come from an array and has Hitachi's stock firmware. Read speed seems to be unaffected. It is possible that there is a way to flash the other firmware and restore full write speed, but I'm not going to risk it because write speed isn't a major factor for my project. However, if someone reads this and finds a way to safely fix the speed issue, please let me know.

In case the link ends up dead, the guide says to use CentOS and " yum install sg3_utils ", run " sg_scan -i " to list the drives then run " sg_format --format --size=512 /dev/sg8 " where sg8 is the ID of the drive you want to format. This takes a few hours and will set the sector size to 512 so Windows can initialize it.
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