Savage 2: A Tortured Soul Review

Savage 1 has flown under the radar or many many years. I am one of the few people who actually bought the game from retail and still play it. You can now download savage for free and play for free. Visit which is THE savage community portal. Download the SFE* patch, startup the game and play.

Being a longtime player, I prefer savage 1 over savage 2 because of the major difference in gameplay and what you have to work with. In savage 1, you are limited in what you can get unit wise and weapon/skill wise. So basically everyone is on the same page. In savage 2 however, there are so many different things that can be done with all the new abilities, souls, squads, units, it gets to the point where you might think "Did S2 games just keep adding on to the game and didnt know when to stop?"

I play savage 1, and will stick with savage 1.