"Save Windows XP" Petition


SEATTLE (AP) - Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) (MSFT)'s operating systems run most personal computers around the globe and are a cash cow for the world's largest software maker. But you'd never confuse a Windows user with the passionate fans of Mac OS X or even the free Linux operating system.

Unless it's someone running Windows XP, a version Microsoft wants to retire.

Fans of the six-year-old operating system set to be pulled off store shelves in June have papered the Internet with blog posts, cartoons and petitions recently. They trumpet its superiority to Windows Vista, Microsoft's latest PC operating system, whose consumer launch last January was greeted with lukewarm reviews.

No matter how hard Microsoft works to persuade people to embrace Vista, some just can't be wowed. They complain about Vista's hefty hardware requirements, its less-than-peppy performance, occasional incompatibility with other programs and devices and frequent, irritating security pop-up windows.

For them, the impending disappearance of XP computers from retailers, and the phased withdrawal of technical support in coming years, is causing a minor panic.

Take, for instance, Galen Gruman. A longtime technology journalist, Gruman is more accustomed to writing about trends than starting them.

But after talking to Windows users for months, he realized his distaste for Vista and strong attachment to XP were widespread.

"It sort of hit us that, wait a minute, XP will be gone as of June 30. What are we going to do?" he said. "If no one does something, it's going to be gone."

So Gruman started a Save XP Web petition, gathering since January more than 100,000 signatures and thousands of comments, mostly from die-hard XP users who want Microsoft to keep selling it until the next version of Windows is released, currently targeted for 2010....
Their Passion Is Windows XP



Jan 21, 2008
XP isn't going anywhere until all the world's major businesses upgrade their thousands of computers to handle 64 bit, in which case they will probably go with XP Pro 64 bit instead of building tricked out work stations that can run Vista or its' successor. IMHO
Only one bank in my area runs Win XP on their workstations... two run Windows 2000 (recently upgraded from Win NT) and one still runs Win 95. Even if MS officially kills XP, businesses will still use it.

Off the top of my head, I don't know of any businesses in the area running Vista. We have it on a couple of our workstations... aside from it being a little bit different to set up on our domain, there's really no issues with it.


LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE, Belgium (AP) - Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) CEO Steve Ballmer offered a glimmer of hope on Thursday to fans of the company's Windows XP operating system, saying the company may reconsider its decision to stop selling it soon.

But Ballmer was adamant that most people who buy PCs today buy them with XP's successor, Vista.

"That's the statistical truth," he told reporters at a news conference at Louvain-La-Neuve University. "If customer feedback varies, we can always wake up smarter."

Microsoft not ruling out Windows XP extension


Windows XP is proving to be the operating system that refuses to die, as major manufacturers such as Dell, Lenovo and HP are going to continue to offer Windows XP – in some cases, installed right out of the box – beyond Microsoft’s June 30 “End of Life” deadline.

Under the terms of Vista’s Business and Ultimate license agreements one can downgrade to XP Professional. PCs sold with either version of Vista come with an XP image CD to allow the downgrade. Dell has said that it will, for a fee on some machines such as the XPS and free on others like the Latitude, ship computers with XP installed.

Dell has a new section on its site, Windows XP Availability that says: ...
Dell, HP, Lenovo Offer WinXP Beyond June 30

Somebody's listening ... :)
Meh... I don't fear Vista, I've embraced it.

(Whiny bunch of people that don't know a computer from a calculator apparently do speak loudly enough for OEMs to hear)


In truth, it's the OEM's poor implemetation of Vista in most cases that make it unappealing to most users. Someone recently posted an article in the Vista section which refers to Sony's default setup... basically the OEM preload is total garbage and the user was much better off loading a clean install of Vista and updating all the drivers.

That, combined with all the negativity surrounding Vista (some justified, most not) scares people away from trying it.


Dec 30, 2005
vista is slow, and still incompatible with an awful lot of software.

here at work we will be skipping vista and we have our fingers crossed for windows 7.
Vista is slow on old hardware... any modern hardware will run Vista fast enough that you wouldn't notice the difference between Vista and XP. New drivers and updates have also zipped up the gap between XP and Vista in gaming performance... so another nail in the anti-Vista bandwagon's coffin there as well.

Software incompatibility... well I haven't come across anything yet that I haven't been able to run on Vista that I used to run on XP. I think most people are still stuck on Vista at launch and haven't taken another look at it because they're simply taking someone else's word that it sucks.

If you remember (which a lot of people don't, apparently), Windows XP was in the same state at launch. Everyone complained about how slow it was... how bloated it was over 98 or 2000 and how it played games worse than 98 or 2000. I used XP since release candidate 2... and was very happy with it... despite all the negativity surrounding it at launch.

Cross your fingers for Windows 7 all you like, but I'm willing to wager that you'll be complaining about it even louder than you're complaining about Vista. It's the cycle that constantly repeats itself every time a new version of Windows is launched.
Situation is even worse on Mac... at least MS cares somewhat about backwards compatibility... with Mac, forget it. If you're old sofware doesn't work on their new OS, you're screwed.

I realize there are situations like yours that exist. You should absolutely stick with XP until you can upgrade. However, when purchasing new computers part of that cost is going to have to be upgrading old software that won't work with the new OS.

Is it a pain in the ass? You bet. But then so is supporting OSes that are nearing 10 years in age on top of supporting everything that's been realeased since.


Jul 17, 2007
Definitely go with Vista! Now that everybody (my user's) have XP figured out, my tech job is in jeapordy (my spelling to). My company is edging toward Vista slowwwwwly. And when they do, a whole lot of new network issue's to deal with. and of course a lot of new dumb user issue's to help them with. yippeee! i'll have a job till the next Win OS comes out........... Vista rocks


Oct 28, 2006
Meh, people who wanna sign that partitions are a bunch of Big Baby's. No amount of protesting is gonna bring back the glory of Windows XP. I'm not a huge fan of Vista either, but whining about it isn't going to make any difference whatsoever.

1)Its an aging OS. It's 5 years old, and on SP3.

2)Once 64-bit, and computers with 4GB+ RAM become common (2009-10?), XP just won't cut it, and XP 64-bit is garbola.

3)Microsoft's not gonna budge. They've invested too much time and money in Vista.

4)Software and hardware dev's have already phased out 95/98/ME/NT/2000 support, and XP will come soon.

5)People complain about Vista. It's slow, looks ugly, my Motorola 1990's brick phone is more useful, it hogs resources, it can't run on old PCs, it'd not compatable with this or that, there's no drivers and so on...

Funnily enough, I'm getting a sense of deja vu here, as these are EXACTLY THE SAME ARGUMENTS used against Windows XP when it was released. And in another year or so, Vista will be a stable and mature OS, and people will find a new scapegoat to whinge at - Windows Vienna (7).


Jun 1, 2007

its 7 years old ( not gonna be picky but its true )


Some news from InfoWorld:

... Some of these computer makers, however, will continue to sell PCs with factory-installed XP licenses after June 30 by taking advantage of Windows Vista's downgrade rights.

A clause in Microsoft's guidelines for OEMs lets computer makers install Windows XP Professional -- but not the more common and less expensive Windows XP Home -- on new PCs at a customer's request when those machines are ordered with Windows Vista Business or Windows Vista Ultimate.

Dell was the first to say it would use the downgrade clause to offer buyers XP Professional pre-installed long after the June 30 deadline. Those PCs will also include Vista installation media so that customers can, if and when they want, upgrade from XP. Dell, however, has not said how long it would offer the downgrade option.

Not so with HP. "HP has been offering business desktops, notebooks and workstations with the option to downgrade to Windows XP Pro from Vista since August 2007, and will continue to offer this option on its business systems through at least July 30, 2009," said the HP spokesman.

Lenovo, meanwhile, said it would continue to offer its downgrade option -- Lenovo doesn't swap out the Vista for XP at the factory floor, but instead sends media that requires the user to re-install Windows XP -- until Jan. 31, 2009.

Acer did not comment on how it will address downgrades.

June 30 is not Microsoft's final-final deadline for all computer makers. It will sell licenses to registered "system builders" -- smaller shops and individuals who acquire Windows through one of Microsoft's authorized distributors -- through Jan. 31, 2009. And the company has also recently extended the availability of XP Home to a subset of computer manufacturers who are, or plan to, build small, cheap notebooks and desktops, such as the Asus Eee PC.
Top OEMs to sell Windows XP PCs down to the wire

For the enthusiast who builds their own, there is good news for those who still want to build with XP.
Good Lord... it's the whole 98 / XP thing all over again. Build a brand new, screaming fast computer... and stick an aging OS on it. Makes no sense to me.

People keep regurgitating the same things said about Vista at realease ad naseum without even bothering to look at any new information. Oh I see... you read it on the internet a year ago and now it's set in stone.

If companies were allowed to focus on supporting the latest OS, the situation would be so much better in terms of drivers and compatibility issues. Instead companies have to support the latest OS without worrying about breaking compatibility with a near decade-old OS.

I completely understand companies with mission-critical systems need to ensure everything works the way they need it to before they can do any major upgrading at all. I know banks still use Win 2K and one even uses Win 95. (Though they will be upgrading to XP this year, apparently).

I don't begrudge anyone that has given Vista an honest chance... but those that keep saying the same things over and over without having given even a casual glance to Vista really need to re-evaulate their stance. Either give it a try or stop using third-hand references from a year ago to formulate your opinion.
@Zoron I gave Vista Ultimate a spin and had some unresolvable soundcard issues, I could have easily solved them by buying a new soundcard, however the soundcard rocks in WinXP, maybe by the time SP2 is released for Vista I'll give her another try, but personally I like to spend my time using my computer, not trying to solve why it isn't. My 2 cents.
Let me guess... Creative card, right?


I personally loved my Audigy 2... but I couldn't stand the damned crackling in most of my games. The issue is of course with VIA chipsets... but my point is that Creative should have solved this issue by now; they've known about it for YEARS. Same goes for Vista drivers. If my "crappy" on-board high-def audio can have decent drivers, then so can Creative. I really want to get an Audigy Xi-Fi for my new build... but I held off because of Creative's driver issues with Vista. (I knew I would be upgrading, so I didn't even bother to put the Audigy 2 card back in).

By the way... you already had a solution... so you didn't have to spend any time solving anything... you just chose your soundcard over your OS. :p

But as I've said... you gave it an honest try and you didn't like it. At least you aren't regurgitating third-hand accounts... you're relaying your own personal experience. I respect that. Now if we can just get all the other hater posers to do the same...

Actually Zoron the soundcard I have listed in my specs, I just bought it, and it came with 2 installation CDs one for XP dedicated and one for Vista dedicated and I'll be reloading Vista Ultimate and trying it again, but first I'll be getting another HDD and loading it independently, just in case!

Hopefully Creative has resolved these issues, because previously the sound corruption only happened while gaming, which is something I love doing and my main use of my machine is gaming, but the sound corruption made the experience unplayable.

I didn't look at your specs before your post... but somehow I knew it was a Creative card. No matter how much they pass the buck, it's their fault and not Microsoft's. I get great sound in my games with my Realtek on-board HD audio... so Creative has absolutely no excuse.


Mar 22, 2008
My wife uses XP at work and hates it compared to our Vista here at the house, and our Vista is just the Home Basic version. But of course, businesses won't upgrade from XP/2000/ME until they have to.

I bought our Vista Basic for $30 off ebay, and it runs great on a totally brand new system that I only paid $300 for (mostly Asus parts bought from newegg -- Asus mobo, Asus case, AMD dual core CPU, 2 gig RAM, etc.).

Get off of XP's nuts and move forward. Vista crashes less often and has more features and is more secure and looks better. So what if Vista needs more RAM? RAM is dirt cheap.