

Dec 25, 2003
I've been running xp pro for about 8 months now, everything was going great until 2 montha ago, I noticed everytime i boot the system I get this message:

SaveStartDate.Exe-Unable to locate component
This application has failed to start because Vcl50.bpl was not found. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

I have no idea what the ext.( bpl ) stands for ,or if it even applies to windows xp. Any suggestions?
The missing file appears to be a Delphi 5 Runtime Library; a .dll which is required for many different programs, such as Visual Basic. Borland products often use this .dll, with this program as an example: <A HREF="" target="_new">ShellPlus</A>

I would hazard a guess and say that you've either installed and then uninstalled a program that requires the file (which may have not been uninstalled cleanly, hence the leftover component still attempting to run at startup) ... or you currently have a program installed that is attempting to run at startup, and can't find the file, either because it is missing, or is corrupted.

You have a choice. If you think the application has been uninstalled, you can use a program like <A HREF="" target="_new">Startup Control Panel</A> to stop the leftover element from trying to load when Windows starts. Or, if you think the program may still be on the computer, you can reinstall the .dll into the Windows system or system32 folder, and see if that solves the problem.

David Taylor has runtime library files available on this page:

<A HREF="" target="_new">Runtimes</A>

In any case, very few programs actually require loading up with Windows in order to function correctly, so you can probably remove the SaveStartDate.exe file without causing any problems, whether the program is still installed or not.


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