Bunch of BULL. Let's put this in a different way. Had EA optimized the game for the nicest high end PC's of 2013, the consoles wouldn't even be able to run the game, unless people wanted a slide show. Even if they tried to optimize the console AFTER it had been made first on PC, the console could NOT run the game, provided they used up all the PC's resources.
Again, WARNING, this is part of a master plan to get everyone on consoles, forcing people to buy extra hardware, and then BE TRAPPED into a 5 to 10 year window where NOTHING IMPROVES because they won't issue a new console. Thus catering to credulous, young sheep, and leaving others to be beggars at their mercy. In fact Microsoft announced that they believe the Xbox One should easily have a TEN year life span. What does that tell you? TEN years, never seeing one visual improvement? That's horrible. It was true that there were different levels of PC's, but it used to be true that year after year, PC users could count on seeing big jumps in graphical rendering ability if they were willing to buy a new system. And if they didn't buy a new system, they could just play the game with settings turned down a notch. But now, it's all about console this and console that.
Mark my words, this will not lead to a future with amazing graphical improvements. It will lead to a stagnant, slow death. In 2023 we we'll all be talking about how graphics look the same as they did in 2013, with companies like Rock Star leaving people out unless they bought a console with 10 year old technology. Of course the only exception being that you buy a console on the year they of a new generation's release. All the console fanboys, much like warned fanboys apple, will defend their consoles, not knowing they are catering and feeding a trend that cheats them in the future to being slaves to a company that will NOT want to do anything but make small, micro changes in hardware at possibly higher prices. In fact, it's worse, they'll always be stuck waiting for next gen. Again, Xbox 360 is 8 years old. If they highly optimized a game for a summer of 2013 PC, there is no chance in hell tha it would ever run on a 360 unless you like picture shows.