Say What? Average PC Cannot Handle EA's Ignite Engine

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Sounds like they do not want to spend time or money working on a pc port. If they make a Ignite engine fifa or any other sports game for pc they wouldn't be making it for the everyday PC since the everyday PC isn't made for gaming. They would be building the game for the millions who Have high end graphic cards. Either they think the average gamer is dumb or the people running EA are incredibly ignorant and lazy.
"The average PC is probably a Core2 Duo 1.8 GHz, 2GB of RAM and a integrated Intel graphics."
That might be true in a general sense but they are talking about gaming, that's like me saying I am not going to port a game because the average console is a PS2.
It sounds to me like an excuse to not optimize a piece of software. AAA titles seem to do fair in the PC, they just don't have the balls to admit yearly sport titles won't compete against the PC games catalog ranging from 8-bit games to Eye candy AAA games.
PC can keep their game library far longer than consoles. Buying Madden or FIFA every year has a lesser appeal in this market and that might be the real reason they don't want to invest in optimizing the engine (not blaming them, but they need to stop lying).

I think you meant:
if (Platform != Xbox1 || PS4) {
Good one anyway!
Bullshit.. that's just bad programming, or not wanting to spend resources in development.
Even with the difference in hardware, can't tell me that a regular gaming PC can't handle what a console does.

If you like games as to buy a console, you like games as to choose which PC to build/buy, and that probably will be able to run any game a console can.

Wanting to play in your grandma notebook, is like wanting to play it in your old NES/sega.
Average PC is a laptop with integrated GPU, usually intel.
Average desktop PC is a market PC with last generations low end GPU.

The number one PC GPU in Steam stats (september 2013) is Intel HD 3000.
The number two PC GPU in Steam stats (september 2013) is Intel HD 4000.

EA is a bottom feeder that goes by lowest common denominator.
Everyone crying that their GTX Titan system can crush this engine clearly fail at reading. "Even though there were some PCs on the marketplace that could run that engine, the lion's share of PCs on the marketplace could not," said Wilson,"

Calm.... down.... the lion's share of PCs in the marketplace run integrated graphics. Deal with it.
L M A O. Lets compare a gaming PC to the shitfest that is the new console generation. My gaming PC has 2 Titans, 32Gb of systm RAM and an i7 4960X CPU I have a RAID Array comprised of 4 1Tb SSD's. The total compute performance is close to 10 TFlops. A PS4 can manage 1.84 total and an XBone(r) 1.3 TFlops. Now tell me again how a gaming PC fails to meet requirements. And I mean a gaming PC not some piece of shit you use to write office documents on. By the way XBone(r) fanboys I hope you enjoy BF4 with reduced detail, reduced textures, reduced frame rates, and reduced resolutions . What is it now 900P?!? LMAO!

Console pricks need to learn you can not beat an open platform period. We will outperform out-compute and leave you all for dust everytime because unlike your little single trick boxes, next year i will have a new Titan and it will eat your Console for snacks.
Bunch of BULL. Let's put this in a different way. Had EA optimized the game for the nicest high end PC's of 2013, the consoles wouldn't even be able to run the game, unless people wanted a slide show. Even if they tried to optimize the console AFTER it had been made first on PC, the console could NOT run the game, provided they used up all the PC's resources.

Again, WARNING, this is part of a master plan to get everyone on consoles, forcing people to buy extra hardware, and then BE TRAPPED into a 5 to 10 year window where NOTHING IMPROVES because they won't issue a new console. Thus catering to credulous, young sheep, and leaving others to be beggars at their mercy. In fact Microsoft announced that they believe the Xbox One should easily have a TEN year life span. What does that tell you? TEN years, never seeing one visual improvement? That's horrible. It was true that there were different levels of PC's, but it used to be true that year after year, PC users could count on seeing big jumps in graphical rendering ability if they were willing to buy a new system. And if they didn't buy a new system, they could just play the game with settings turned down a notch. But now, it's all about console this and console that.

Mark my words, this will not lead to a future with amazing graphical improvements. It will lead to a stagnant, slow death. In 2023 we we'll all be talking about how graphics look the same as they did in 2013, with companies like Rock Star leaving people out unless they bought a console with 10 year old technology. Of course the only exception being that you buy a console on the year they of a new generation's release. All the console fanboys, much like warned fanboys apple, will defend their consoles, not knowing they are catering and feeding a trend that cheats them in the future to being slaves to a company that will NOT want to do anything but make small, micro changes in hardware at possibly higher prices. In fact, it's worse, they'll always be stuck waiting for next gen. Again, Xbox 360 is 8 years old. If they highly optimized a game for a summer of 2013 PC, there is no chance in hell tha it would ever run on a 360 unless you like picture shows.

PC's good enough to run a MMO with thousands of players online interacting together at once, but not good enough to run FIFA? *sniff* *sniff* you smell that? It wreaks of EA's bs to me! Just because developers at too cheap to do proper optimizing and game designing for PC hardware doesn't mean PC's are less capable nothing is further from the truth.
Eh. They generate way more revenue for those games on closed consoles. No reason for them to waste time and resources on a platform with lower returns. Luckily for me, I don't like sports games. Furthermore, his comment is absolutely correct. How many EA Sports players are dudebros? How many of those dudebros have an even remotely adequate pc? This is the same reason there are so few WP apps when compared to Android or iOS, or why there are so few games on the Vita and WiiU. It's not worth the resource investment to make it happen. Like another poster said before me, this is a PC enthusiast site. We have gaming PCs that are light years ahead of average PCs. We're a niche group.
"Your and my PC will vary. The consoles don't. They can optimize the game for that particular console."

Late comment I know but we need something intelligent here.

Make a game and optimize it for console hardware - sure, that's fairly easy.

Make a game, set your level of hardware you want to optimize around (Like let's say an AMD 6750 which Xbone and PS4 essentially have) and anything above that will run perfect.

Of course you're going to have issues with some GPUs but it's mostly a driver update that will fix that. If you do the same for PCs that you do for Consoles, then your optimization is simple. (overly simple in fact)

Console optimization is what we like to call "aggressive" whereas PC game optimization is more "specific".

When you optimize specific settings in your game you are targetting performance at the low, mid and high end rather than just taking your game at the max and optimizing around mid-low hardware. The latter will result in horrible visuals but fluid gameplay (like they HAVE TO DO on consoles but NOT on PCs)
I hope and pray for EA to die. They've been putting out buggy and unreliable products for the last several years, and Origin's one of the most obnoxious pieces of trollware on my system (only Java's persistent need to update rivals it). After what they did to Dragon Age and the Maxis franchises, I'm done with 'em. There are too many other developers, indie and large-scale, who care about the quality and thoroughness of their work for gamers to allow EA to keep putting the same old crap on the market.
Yeah, they're comparing it to the "average PC" which no gamer owns. The "average PC" is probably a Dell or an Acer with a GT 630 at most and an Athlon 2 X2 CPU at least. An average gaming PC with an FX-6300 and HD 7870 would probably play this engine just fine.
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