Scarlett Focusrite 2i4 interface crackling periodically only while playing audio.

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Feb 23, 2016
I have a pair of KRK rokit 6 active speakers that run into my Scarlett Focusrite USB interface via 1/4 inch TRS cables. I have a home studio in which I record music, and if this crackling occurs while I am recording it is recorded into the audio track permanently, it happens any time there is audio playing, and as you can imagine, is extremely disruptive and annoying. The crackling/popping occurs through my speakers and/or headphones (whatever is connected). I am not sure if my interface is to blame though because I hooked it up to another computer and it worked fine with no popping so there is obviously something going wrong specifically between my studio computer and the interface. I have been trying to troubleshoot for days now, any help is appreciated, I really need to fix this problem. Thanks in advance!

I record both VST's and mics. When I record midi of any kind there is no popping sound which is what I have been doing mostly recently for exactly that reason, however, the speakers pop when audio is playing in general. So even though the popping isn't actually recorded INTO the track there will still be popping periodically as I'm listening back to it.
Here is a video I recorded of the popping:
Can you try your KRK's with another source/use other monitors with the Scarlett? This should help you isolate the problem. If using another source and your rokits still pop, then they could be the issue. If another set of monitors pop but the rokit monitors on another source, then it must be the output on the Scarlett.

I have an audiobox interface that I used with my krks, and there is still popping. However when I use my Scarlett with another computer (not hooked up to the krks) there is no popping.
I doubt it is the speakers themselves because why would my headphones have the popping in them too?

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