This deeply offends me on a personal level.
That someone could write an article about this that is just blantly igorant of any scientific understanding whatsover is disappointing. To spread this filth that some layman might find as being new research is equally atrocious.
The headline is the just the beginning of where this article gets messed up. Scientists discovered superconductivity in 1911. It is not a mystery anymore, and it does not need to be created. By definition, it is zero resistivity (and its non-Ohmic). However, as resistance is related to resistivity only by how much of the material you have (ie, a 6m copper wire has more resistance than a 1m copper wire, same gauge), it is effectively the same to say that zero resistivity is zero resistance.
Beyond this, we've all seen how horrificly the contents are written. Typos all over the place, and nonsensical psuedo-science babble obviously obtained from sci-fi (hey, you know that means Science FICTION, right? as in *NOT* real!).
I propose then, that TH remove this article pending editing. Failure to do that should be mitigated by the prompt firing of the author, and the replacement of said author with an intelligent human being.