Screen becomes blueish with hdmi


Sep 3, 2012
Hello.Today I bought a hdmi so I can have my TV and my monitor connected to my computer in duplicate mode so I can watch movies in my TV.I've noticed when I launch a game or a movie the colors in the TV become blueish.I've read in google some stuff and I'm afraid the problem might be that the hdmi is 1.4.Also I wanna point out that only the TV becomes blueish while my monitor that is connected with VGA is fine.Anyone knows why this keeps happening?When I was playing Xbox 360 with this TV that was connected with HDMI I didnt have any problems.Maybe my GPU is failing or maybe my TV doesnt support 1.4 hdmi?
System specs. Like what graphics card your using would be helpful and the make / model of your tv. Right now it would be a guessing game to answer your question.

But your prolly on the right track with incompatibility issues.
I'm sorry.Here are the specs.My GPU is Ati Radeon HD 4850 and my TV is Sony Bravia 32 inch,cant type the exact model since I am not home.
Hmmm thats an odd issue just from a little research seems a lot of people have audio issues with that card but not visual issues with hdmi.

First thing i'd do is use the HDMI cord from your xbox (assuming they use one like playstation lol sorry never had an xbox) See if you get the same result.
Second make sure your video drivers are current/up to date. I'll look into this more and post more suggestions if I find anything.

Theres loads of graphics junkies on these forums so im sure you will get more feedback soon.
Drivers are up to date.I'm gonna try use the xbox hdmi even though i need to move my computer close to the tv and its real pain but anyways thanks for the help.Hope more people give me some feedback.The most likely problem in my opinion is that the cable is hdmi 1.4 and maybe the tv or gpu arent compatible with it.

Ya i was thinking cable as well. That's why i wanted to see what happens with the xbox cable. Let us know when ur home and give it a shot.
Before trying with the other HDMI I watched a movie with the 1.4 one and the problem didnt occur.This is really strange and I'm not sure if I should return it to the shop now and get the standard one.