Screen experiencing a split second of static bars


Apr 18, 2014
I bought a used graphics card from my friend (r9 280x) who had everything working fine with it. The best i can explain the problem is a split second of static across the majority of the screen typically when on the desktop browsing files or on a web browser. I have tested the card on programs like heaven benchmark and fur-mark plus games like CS:GO and Rocket league. I experienced none of this issue, no artifacting and the card ran cool. I have ruled out the cable and the monitor since i have tried it with 2 different cables and monitors. This issue only started after installing the card. Is there a chance that my off brand power supply is causing the issue? (its a FPS750-80APG which is 750w. it may be much older since i got it used a while ago). I've tried uninstalling the driver going all the way back to the default Microsoft adapter and reinstalling them again to no avail.i could attempt to use the warranty that my friend said the card has, although i don't know if they need the receipt that i didn't get from him. If anyone has some advice i would love to know, any knowledge is helpful. Thank you in advance!

CPU: i7-860
MOBO: p7p55d pro
GPU: r9 280x
RAM: Samsung M378B5673EH1-CH9 & M378B5273BH1-CH9

It sure does sound like a bad connection, this is why i elimination that as an option. as i mentioned in my post i have tried 2 different monitors and now 3 different cables hdmi and dvi ones. the problem has occurred in every scenario. thank you for your response.