I've had this problem ever since swapping from a 1080p monitor to a 1440p monitor. I have a 1070ti gpu. I can play not very demanding games fairly well like counter strike or league of legends but as soon as as i put on any streaming website on my pc like netflix to play on my other monitor my main monitor starts freezing and going in and out of black screen constantly and often ends up after all that give me no signal as if its not connected to my pc anymore.
I've had this problem ever since swapping from a 1080p monitor to a 1440p monitor. I have a 1070ti gpu. I can play not very demanding games fairly well like counter strike or league of legends but as soon as as i put on any streaming website on my pc like netflix to play on my other monitor my main monitor starts freezing and going in and out of black screen constantly and often ends up after all that give me no signal as if its not connected to my pc anymore.