Question Screen glitch

Mar 11, 2019
Hello, my PC is having some weird screen glitches. First when I was playing counter strike, horizontal stripes appeared and I had to restart my PC, then after restarting, and logging in instead of my desktop I see pixel glitches. I can use Windows start bar and settings but can't see my desktop or anything else. (For some reason I can't include image, heres link) View:
I'm sorry but that is a GPU failure. If it's in warranty you can get it replaced, if not then you need to buy a new one.
EDIT: unless you have some unicorn failure on the monitor, or connecting cables.
Well, im as reliefed as im confused. As i was checking different cables, after restarting my PC couple of times it fixed itself.
Im wondering if there is something that restarting cant fix haha.
Update - turn out its one of the things restarting didnt fix as it happened again couple of times, sometimes while browsing internet, sometimes when playing game vertical lines with different single color show up on my monitor and i have to restart my pc coz its not responding. Sometimes it doesnt happen, I have no idea whats causing it.
Is there any way to be sure its indeed GPU failure and not something else ? I tried using integrated GPU and it didnt happen but i used it only for few minutes so not 100% confirmed
Welp, if anyone caress, i figured it out, i used integrated GPU for few days and nothing happened so i assume its indeed GPU. I kinda managed to get it running by lowering the clock speeds, now it doesnt crash.