O Oversizedmoose Prominent Aug 8, 2017 5 0 510 Jan 5, 2019 #1 Okay everytime I watch some sort of video wether it's on yt or Netflix I get this weird glitch static that pops up in my screen I recently did get a new gpu 1050ti idk if that's the issue but please help
Okay everytime I watch some sort of video wether it's on yt or Netflix I get this weird glitch static that pops up in my screen I recently did get a new gpu 1050ti idk if that's the issue but please help
Ralston18 Titan Moderator Oct 11, 2014 38,327 4,093 146,290 Jan 5, 2019 #2 Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS. Upvote 0 Downvote