If you look at memory prices today vs memory prices about eight years ago, $/GB has not gone down at all. The difference today is that there are many more things that use DRAM-like process, so Samsung and other DRAM fabs can move capacity to those other things to reduce supply and keep prices from going down any further.
The power outage at one of Samsung's DRAM fabs isn't going to help either, that puts them thousands of wafers behind and those things typically have ripple effects for months to come. The joys of JiT/LEAN manufacturing, little to no inventory to buffer cock-ups in the supply chain. I had been tracking memory prices for a couple of months and many models have gone up ~10% over the last week.
Also, this year, Sony and Microsoft will be ordering huge amounts of RAM and SSDs for the PS5 and XB launches.
There is no shortage of reasons to expect all memory to go up this year.