Today I did some cleaning up in my case. It didn't go so well though. I was able to reposition all my drives, and get the cables into the back, which tidied things up a little bit, which is good.
However, as I was connecting my drives again, I noticed that a piece was falling off the power connector of my 2TB Seagate Barracuda. This turned out to be the square piece that holds the power cable into it's respective connector. This prevented me from being able to fit the power cable in, and as a result the cable looked like this: (notice to the far left that the square-ish plastic section is missing). This is a recertified drive, so it never was in a pristine condition. The PSU power connector fit in well enough, however I don't think it was being held in well, and as a result the harddrive was never detected. Here is a picture of the PSU connector:
It is quite a shame. Some of the pins for the drive weren't completely straight, but I don't think they ever were, so I don't think that could be a cause. I had more than 200Gb stored on it, but nothing really critical.
Is there anything that can be done about this? I know I'll need to get another drive, unless something fantastic happens and I can get it working. Should I order a WD Black 2Tb drive? After this experience, I can't bring myself to trust Seagate again. and I've heard plenty of poor things about them.
Edit: I was able to get the connector like this: , but it still didn't detect the drive. It is still rather crooked. It's not completely straight like the other drives are. To the left, you can see the missing section, that secures the power cable into the drive's connection.
However, as I was connecting my drives again, I noticed that a piece was falling off the power connector of my 2TB Seagate Barracuda. This turned out to be the square piece that holds the power cable into it's respective connector. This prevented me from being able to fit the power cable in, and as a result the cable looked like this: (notice to the far left that the square-ish plastic section is missing). This is a recertified drive, so it never was in a pristine condition. The PSU power connector fit in well enough, however I don't think it was being held in well, and as a result the harddrive was never detected. Here is a picture of the PSU connector:
It is quite a shame. Some of the pins for the drive weren't completely straight, but I don't think they ever were, so I don't think that could be a cause. I had more than 200Gb stored on it, but nothing really critical.
Is there anything that can be done about this? I know I'll need to get another drive, unless something fantastic happens and I can get it working. Should I order a WD Black 2Tb drive? After this experience, I can't bring myself to trust Seagate again. and I've heard plenty of poor things about them.
Edit: I was able to get the connector like this: , but it still didn't detect the drive. It is still rather crooked. It's not completely straight like the other drives are. To the left, you can see the missing section, that secures the power cable into the drive's connection.