Seagate Barracuda 500 GB Desktop Internal Hard Drive


Feb 15, 2016
Hi all,
I'm new here
My Hard drive suddenly stopped detecting

These are the details
1. Segate Barracuda 500 GB
3. Model No - ST500DM002
4. P/N - 1BD142 - 302
5. Firmware - KC45 [STX - 720012 (B)]
6. Date Code - 13212

Not even detecting in bios
No physical damage, no weird sound from HDD
It is secondary drive
Welcome to the community, snrahul22!

I'd recommend you to edit your post and delete the Serial Number, this is rather sensitive information regarding the product.
Afterwards, I'd suggest you to try reseating the hard drive and make sure that it's properly mounted inside your computer. (If the PC is still under warranty, though, I'd definitely not advise you to tamper with the hardware physically as it will void the warranty on the PC. Instead, get in touch with the manufacturer's customer support).
You could also try using a different SATA cable with the HDD and try plugging it to a different port on the motherboard. If you have access to another system, you might as well try connecting the drive there to see how it will get...
Welcome to the community, snrahul22!

I'd recommend you to edit your post and delete the Serial Number, this is rather sensitive information regarding the product.
Afterwards, I'd suggest you to try reseating the hard drive and make sure that it's properly mounted inside your computer. (If the PC is still under warranty, though, I'd definitely not advise you to tamper with the hardware physically as it will void the warranty on the PC. Instead, get in touch with the manufacturer's customer support).
You could also try using a different SATA cable with the HDD and try plugging it to a different port on the motherboard. If you have access to another system, you might as well try connecting the drive there to see how it will get recognised.
If you are able to detect it somewhere, make sure you use your HDD manufacturer's brand-specific diagnostic tool to check up on the health and SMART status. In case you can't see or access your data on the drive from anywhere, you should definitely consider contacting a professional data recovery company as it's highly likely that the hardware has failed and you won't be able to recover it by yourself.

Hope it helps. Good luck!

Thanks I'll try your suggestions