Seagate claims the BarraCuda Pro 10TB is the fastest consumer hard disk drive (HDD) on the market.
Seagate BarraCuda Pro 10TB HDD Review : Read more
Seagate BarraCuda Pro 10TB HDD Review : Read more
Sure, the treatment of the drives during shipping can potentially affect reliability, and a web hosting company using consumer drives might not be entirely representative of their reliability in a home system, but ultimately that should affect drives from all manufacturers, not just Seagate. If Seagate has more failures than the competition under the same conditions, then that's still arguably their fault.Seagate gained a bad reputation for disk failures over the last few years, but the failures weren't entirely Seagate's fault. For many years large retailers shipped drives in substandard packaging. It was common to wrap a drive with bubble wrap and toss it into an oversized box. A large and vocal web hosting company also removed commodity desktop drives from external enclosures and used them in poorly-designed servers. The company also subjected the drives to workloads they weren't designed for and published failure rate data. Seagate has addressed many of those issues and is working on a full image makeover.