Seagate firmware sn st number changed


Jul 23, 2011
Please help. Back up drive crashed after reload master drive.
I am a photographer and I have a ton of images backup on a secondardy drive-seagate st32000542as
I had a virus on my master drive so I had to wipe out that drive.
After I re-installed my master drive. I could not access the back up drive.

Now the drive firmware has a new st number and new serial number.

I tried to flash the correct firmware but the seagate update does not recognize the hard drive.

The correct Hard drive classification is st32000 542as and a serial number of 5xw04yzh

It currently reports the following

sn# qnr_bfw

Seagate is no help! Can anybody help me?
Your drive appears to be unable to read the hidden System Area on the platters. Therefore it reverts to identifying itself with a generic set of parameters stored in the 8-pin serial flash memory IC on the PCB. These generic parameters include a "factory alias" of "ST_M13FQBL".

AIUI, the usual fault is a bad head, or media damage. If the fault is intermittent, then you could try different orientations, such as vertical or on-end. You could also try heating or cooling, but I expect that data recovery will be futile.

If you are ever able to get the drive to identify itself with its correct model number and capacity, then keep it powered up and clone it using a utility that understands how to work around bad media.

You could try getting a terminal report from the drive's TTL RS232 serial interface. That may help narrow down the fault.

I have no idea how to get a terminal report. the drive seems to spinning just fine. No noise to speak of other than slight spinning very slight spinning noise and vibration..
what program do you recomment. I am a starving artiist so my budget is very limited