[SOLVED] Seagate recertified HDD and Seatools Bootable: Technical issues

Jan 28, 2019

I bought an Seagate recertified ST10000NM0086 HDD, which isn’t correct working. First I tried to configured it with my QNAP TS-228A, but it doesn’t work. Second I tried to get it work on my PC. First the SMART Values were good, because they were set to zero as on all recertified HDDs in general. After some attempts to get the HDD working with the QNAP there are some SMART read errors. I tried it three times with the QNAP without success. After more than 12 hours of waiting each time, the HDD made a sound like a “CLACK” every second. Now I connect the HDD with my PC to check it with Seagate Seatools Bootable. First the SMART test failed, second the short test (fix all short) failed and now the long (fix all long) test is currently running. Now I have some questions to that. 1. The long test is very very slow, so it only makes approximately 0,01 % in 15 Minutes, but the HDD is running without some weird sounds. Is it normal, that the tests of the whole HDD needs so much time? 2. Could it be possible, that the HDD makes the “CLACK”-Sound after many hours in the QNAP because the size of the HDD is not correctly configured? - in seatools bootable is the Option “Set Max LBA”, to configured the size of a HDD. Maybe the HDD arm is going over HDD spindle, like on a phonograph the vinyl is over and the phonograph arm drops off from it. 3. Maybe my solution attempts are hopeless in the first place, so it would be better to RMA the HDD?

Thanks in advance!
If SeaTools for DOS finds that the unit fails both the SMART test and the Short Test, it is VERY likely a complete failure. You do not need to complete the Long Test. BUT, IF you contact Seagate for replacement under warranty (depends on who provided the warranty), they may want you to tell them what the Short Test results display said. So get a pen and paper and re-run the Short Test and write down those results before making a warranty claim.
If SeaTools for DOS finds that the unit fails both the SMART test and the Short Test, it is VERY likely a complete failure. You do not need to complete the Long Test. BUT, IF you contact Seagate for replacement under warranty (depends on who provided the warranty), they may want you to tell them what the Short Test results display said. So get a pen and paper and re-run the Short Test and write down those results before making a warranty claim.