since last night, every press of my left control key opens (another) Search Results window (with that dog, the one that replaced the paperclip...ugh...). It also causes fullscreen applications to minimise (so I can frown at that dog...again) This is driving me insane! I have run AVG. I have rolled back a week. I have ditched AVG, installed Avast, and run that too. I ran it at boot, and all it discovered was that AVG had been corrupted. My keyboard does not seem to have any stuck keys. No amount of fooling with the (few, weak, inadequate) options of Search Companion seems to help. Any ideas, please? The only reference I could find in a day and a half of googling was a guy whose Space Bar suddenly started doing the same thing, but tragically, no-one had answered his cry for help. The tweakUI program swears that no mappings have been assigned to Left-Control in the registry either, so I have no idea why XPsp3 has suddenly decided to ruin my life with scores of goofy unwanted puppies. Halp!!
since last night, every press of my left control key opens (another) Search Results window (with that dog, the one that replaced the paperclip...ugh...). It also causes fullscreen applications to minimise (so I can frown at that dog...again) This is driving me insane! I have run AVG. I have rolled back a week. I have ditched AVG, installed Avast, and run that too. I ran it at boot, and all it discovered was that AVG had been corrupted. My keyboard does not seem to have any stuck keys. No amount of fooling with the (few, weak, inadequate) options of Search Companion seems to help. Any ideas, please? The only reference I could find in a day and a half of googling was a guy whose Space Bar suddenly started doing the same thing, but tragically, no-one had answered his cry for help. The tweakUI program swears that no mappings have been assigned to Left-Control in the registry either, so I have no idea why XPsp3 has suddenly decided to ruin my life with scores of goofy unwanted puppies. Halp!!