second pc build. I want opinions!

No point getting a k series processor if you aren't overclocking. If you are overclocking you certainly can't do much with that tiny aircooler. (It is super cute though)

GFX is weak compared to the processor.

Memory is awful unless you know a trick how to overclock the hell out of it.
thanks for the tips guys, my initial setup was with a 1155 socket and was aiming for a budget. My buddy and I was debating because if i was to buy a 3k but knowing that 1155 is dying and i wanted something a bit newer so i decided to go this route.

@BossManFromTheHood: what gpu would you recommend with this kind of setup? For the os, I will switch to home prem after searching around.

@Trenchcoat: about the memory, I was just getting one for now until i can gather more funds to get more memory. I originally picked one with a higher voltage and pcpartpicker was throwing me this warning so i changed it so stay in spec. I do plan on oc but not to the extreme just a little more juice and if not it will still perform good. Again, you mention about gfx and what would you recommend for this setup?

Yeah it's wierd but everyone in the community can vote and they voted on my reply which satisfied the initial question of opinions on your build. Not solutions.