Securely erase ssd

I use Parted Magic, boots from a CD or whatever, works fine.

Many models can be secure erased from within the manufacturer's own supplied toolkit,
OCZ's Toolbox, or SanDisk's Dashboard.

Samsung's Magician is one of the few which usually doesn't allow one to s.e. an SSD
from within the program, but it has a function to create a bootable USB stick, etc., to
achieve this, or just use something like Parted Magic.


PS. Never heard of DBAN, so can't comment on that.

PPS. Never try to s.e. an SSD with the device connected to a Marvell SATA3
controller. I've blanked SSDs countless times and the only time I've ever had
a problem was when a unit was conneced to a Marvell SATA3 controller. Ironic,
given Marvell's technology used inside SSDs is typically very good.