don't really care, too many muslim jihadis have been imported into every civilized nation in the world, the apple incident proved the government needs to regulate commerce alot tighter, thank apple for that.
the u.s. constitution affords the government the right to invade any privacy in situations where the public at large becomes endangered and even habeas corpus gets suspended.
the american government has the right to regulate commerce if that means a ban on encryption software or devices, then it's 100% legal and their right to do so.
now if we the people don't like it, we craft our own bill petition it around and with enough signatures force it down our senators and house of representatives throats, and that's how it works.
telephone communications are not encrypted, call up your phone company, they can confirm this.
i get the whole point of this in so many ways it's not funny, the government got their work arounds for " shall not " in the bill of rights they applied it to weapons, and a whole plethora of other things that's unbelievable and no one bothered to stop the government on the other issues except for the confederate states of america in states rights. (yes they were 100% legal in their rights and assertions and their actions to leave, however there is nothing in the constitution that said we couldn't attack a foreign nation and take them over, and outside of a court of law and under oath, every one is allowed to lie especially politicians the people writing the history boos and teachers.)
regular telephone is not encrypted yet i hear no complaints. i don't have anything to hide out side of work.
given the history of islam and it's 1400 years of jihad i'm willing to write a constitutional amendment that excludes islam from the bill of rights. 15-25% of a 1.5 billion population that uses violence as conversion or elimination is not something to play around with like a toy, that's more than the population of north america or europe combined.
i can already hear the complaints and arguments and i will already say this " and how many jews forced germany to convert or executed germans for refusing "
there's a huge difference of what's going on the KKK is very comparable to islam in their goals and methods, islam however goes exponentially beyond what the KKK does. this is going to sound like defending the KKK, i know; but when the KKK went after a negro, they went after one who raped, or robbed or murdered, and they lynched the negro. that was an actual crime, when the muslims go after some one they do it for the same reasons, plus more, however, in refusing to convert to islam, or bad mouthing islam, they kill you for it, literally. i realize there are some converted muslims or muslims who preach peace in effort to convert, however i've read the qu'urans from iran, egypt, saudi arabia, yemen, qutar, syria, turkey and lebanon.
they all have their variances when it comes to this imam or that caliphate historical words, however muhammeds words are always the same, and the only one true islam is the islam muhammed taught, all others are false and subject in muhammeds teachings to slay them where ever they are found. all of muhammed followers in his life time practiced islam as muhammed taught them, and muhammeds teachings taught them conquering was power and wealth and glory to allah, farming & working was dhimmi and kafir work and non muslim lives don't matter, no matter what.
i don't like democrats or republicans but this is dead on right:
President George W. Bush, in an address to a joint session of Congress on September 20, 2001 said, "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."[7]
as for the rest of the world.... they are national socialists, communists, or dictatorships, they do as they please and everything is about government rights, the people have only what their government gives them, and it's subject to what ever is only good for the government/leadership.
i don't care about the rest of the world or the people of the rest of the world, they like their government, other wise they would over throw it and make a better one.