Seeking Information about electronic spying

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Nov 12, 2009
Someone listens (spies)on my phone which is connected by a cable company and listens to the sounds in my home through the computer which receives the internet through the cable company. Where can I learn about this?
You are delusional. They are not doing that unless you are in the Mafia or something illegal. If you are, well, I hope they catch you. The cable company doesn't give a s*** about you or any of their customers noises or homes.
Actually you are incorrect.... depending on where you live they can do that.. Big brother has ever reaching arms, look at certain sites and you will be on their list. Generally they need to a warrant to do such activities. In fact your internet company in the states is starting to sift through the information going in and out of your house. Just got to make sure that you are not engaged in activities that would be incriminating to your case.
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