Hello, I am serious about getting a Core i7 setup.
I have been researching Nehalem and Bloomfield since they were released.
This system will be used for gaming, and multimedia.
Specifically, Grand Theft Auto IV, Flight Simulator X, Call of Duty: World At War, Crysis, things on those lines.
I plan on getting the 920, at 2.66ghz. $199.99 At MicroCenter
I also plan to heavily overclock, but not at first. So I will not require an aftermarket cooler at the moment.
MSI X58 Pro tri SLI/Xfire $189.99
OCZ Gold 6gb triple-channel COMBO
with sapphire 4890 1gb $277.98 (Plan on 2 or 3 cards in future)
Total: $667.96
Motherboard questions
-What are the pro's and con's of the motherboard I selected?
-The 3 PCI-E slots run at X16, X16, and X4. If I tri-sli or tri-xfire, does that X4 slow me down a considerable amount?
Memory questions
-These OCZ's appear to be the same as the Corsair Dominators. Is there any reason to spend extra money on the Dominators?
-Are the Dominator timings "that" much better?
Video card questions
-Is this good enough for what I want to do with it? (Gaming, and multimedia, see top for details)
-Should I look at the other combo's to try and find a GTX 260, or something?
-Pro's and Con's of my video card selection?
And Finally: am I missing ANYTHING? (Besides the other peripherals like hard drives, dvd drives, etc.)
Thanks in advance, I really appreciate any and all responses to this.
I have been researching Nehalem and Bloomfield since they were released.
This system will be used for gaming, and multimedia.
Specifically, Grand Theft Auto IV, Flight Simulator X, Call of Duty: World At War, Crysis, things on those lines.
I plan on getting the 920, at 2.66ghz. $199.99 At MicroCenter
I also plan to heavily overclock, but not at first. So I will not require an aftermarket cooler at the moment.
MSI X58 Pro tri SLI/Xfire $189.99
OCZ Gold 6gb triple-channel COMBO
with sapphire 4890 1gb $277.98 (Plan on 2 or 3 cards in future)
Total: $667.96
Motherboard questions
-What are the pro's and con's of the motherboard I selected?
-The 3 PCI-E slots run at X16, X16, and X4. If I tri-sli or tri-xfire, does that X4 slow me down a considerable amount?
Memory questions
-These OCZ's appear to be the same as the Corsair Dominators. Is there any reason to spend extra money on the Dominators?
-Are the Dominator timings "that" much better?
Video card questions
-Is this good enough for what I want to do with it? (Gaming, and multimedia, see top for details)
-Should I look at the other combo's to try and find a GTX 260, or something?
-Pro's and Con's of my video card selection?
And Finally: am I missing ANYTHING? (Besides the other peripherals like hard drives, dvd drives, etc.)
Thanks in advance, I really appreciate any and all responses to this.