Serious Gamer Needs Advice on Upgrade PLZ HLP


Jul 14, 2011
My computer hardware specs are ATI 5870, 6G DDR2 RAM, Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.40GHz, 1000W Power Supply, ASUS P5Q Motherboard(5+yr old) and an Cooler Master Hyper TX3 cpu heatsink as well as a mid size tower with 200mmx2 fans for air circulation.

My problem is that I'm finding games like Badcompany 2, Fallout NV and Total War Shogun 2 are lacking FPS on the high/highest video settings. Im bearly getting a solid 40FPS when im intensive CPU/GPU situations.

My question is should I replace my CPU, MOBO and RAM to stop the bottlenecking or is that normal framerates? If I was to upgrade I was thinking of a Quad core CPU around 3.2GHz ($200.00-250.00 ish), obviously the 5+yr old MOBO has to go and finally the DDR2 too DDR3. What do you people think and thank you very much!


Jul 14, 2011
what about the mobo or that doesnt make as big difference as the CPU? Also will your CPU suggestion be around my price range? Should I be looking at the GHz or the Cache for Gaming?
Too bad you didn't get a crossfire board. Anyway, the best thing to do is overclock that Q6600. With good airflow and a decent cooler you can hit 3.4Ghz or more on that CPU. I don't recommend spending money on a newer Quad Core for that platform only because the benefit of something like a Q9450 or Q9550 over your current CPU does not justify the price ($300-$400 new online) when you can transition to Sandy Bridge for about the same price.

So for now overclock your CPU, and save up for a new motherboard, CPU, and RAM, and perhaps a second 5870.
The usual best upgrade to improve FPS is a graphics card upgrade. In this case, however, your 5870 is already a very good card, and the Q6600 is dated.
Most games will not use more than two cores, and the performance per core seems to be the most important attribute of a good gaming cpu.

To help clarify your options, run these two tests:

1) Run your games, but lower your resolution and eye candy.
If your FPS increases, it indicates that your cpu is strong enough to drive a better graphics configuration.

2) Limit your cpu, either by reducing the OC, or, in windows power management, limit the maximum cpu% to something like 70%.
If your FPS drops significantly, it is an indicator that your cpu is the limiting factor, and a cpu upgrade is in order.

It is possible that both tests are positive, indicating that you have a well balanced system, and both cpu and gpu need to be upgraded to get better gaming FPS.


Jul 14, 2011
Ok so I tried to OC my cpu to 3.0ghz by changing the cpu frequency value to 333. The default multiplier is 9 so that should put the cpu to 3.0ghz. I put my cpu voltage to 1.2v and when I reseted my computer it wouldnt load into windows 7 64bit it would load everything up to that then just restart the computer and loop.... I worked my way up to 1.21875 cpu voltage but still nothing then I defaulted the settings to get better information on this... what should I do??


Jul 14, 2011
Ok I did some digging and fixed my problem and for one when i said cpu frequency value i meant FSB. I got my cpu to 3.0ghz and its heat setting at lowest 67C highest 72C while under prime95 stress test for an hour which i'm happy with. I'm thinking of pushing it to 3.2ghz considering the cpu is old and ill buy a new one if it dies.


Jul 14, 2011
ya now that i dug even deeper into threads that is bad.... What's even worse is a have an aftermarket heatsink ($20-30) and used artic thermal paste not even a year ago on the cpu...


Jul 14, 2011
my core voltage from CPU-Z is at 1.408 when idling if that helps..I ran Prime95 for 1 hr and 30minutes no problems and was just wondering with every passed test does it ramp up the stress on the cpu at all? cause it looked like it was...
1.4v :O too high!!!

You may just want to start over and read a Core 2 overclocking guide, it will be easier ^_^. Also be sure to orient the heatsink and fan so that it blows air UP and out the case. That should be more effective than blowing it out the back. I'm also going to assume you didn't screw with the fan orientation.


Jul 14, 2011
sorry about the bump didn't mean to annoy anyone. I'll try to set the cpu voltage in bois lower then 1.4v and see if i can get lower also when im running prime95 im doing a Large FFTs test as opposed to a Small FFTs test does that matter at all?