Serious Problem With Windows/Hardware


Aug 28, 2011
Sorry if this is in the wrong area, I'm new to this site.
For the past month or so my computer has been shutting down on Windows Startup, after talking to a local tech he told me the problem was my Operating System so he reinstalled it and for a few hours this fixed the problem. But now my computer shuts down on Windows Startup unless I boot in Safe Mode where it works perfectly, any reasons this might happen?
Also is there a way to enable sound in Safe Mode?

If it works perfectly in safe mode perfectly then i would first say it's most likely a driver related issue. Though i would run some scans, boot into safe mode and run Malwarebytes and see if it pick up anything also run a HDD test by creating Hirens boot CD

You can also open a command prompt and put in sfc /scannow to verify windows file integrity.
The Specs are 2GB of Ramb, Intel Mobile 4 Series Chipset, T6570 2.10 Ghz (2 CPUs), Windows 7 Professional 32-bit (6.1, Build 7600), BIOS vers 1.00PARTTBL

When I talked to my local tech he did a disk check using the BIOS and concluded that the Disc was fine.
He reinstalled the Operating System (Windows 7) so I am very unlikely to have viruses since all I did was install World of Warcraft via disks, download League of Legends from their site and install the programs Curse and Ventrilo which are safe programs.
I am currently running in Safe Mode with Networking as Normal Startup does not work.

Alright, I went to my tech, he swapped another ram that was working fine on another laptop and the problem still occurs, the HD boots fine on another computer. He thinks it has something to do with the circuits on the motherboard, so at this point, I am best to look for a replacement all together since the motherboard will cost 500$ alone which for a 700$ laptop is not worth, unless you have any more suggestions.