Setup being restarted black screen cursor in middle


Feb 5, 2012
I did a repair re-install using Window Xp the installation was going great but then got stuck at 39 min. So aborted. Then put cd in and tried to restart it again then it reboots and comes to a blue screen and states setup being restarted and goes to black screen with cursor in the middle.

Edit your boot.ini file. Should see an entry for "Setup" that needs to be deleted. Backup your file before editing it !

Thanks I am lost. I can't get to the start up screen to do anything. When I restart the computer the Windows XP slash screen comes up then the blue screen come up with "setup is being restart" then the screen goes black and a cursor goes to the middle. I have taken the battery out unplugged it Help.

Try safe mode

Startup is still accessing your hard drive to boot from. You may see the CD light come on or hear the cd spin, but it is booting from your hard drive where that setup is coming from, is my guess.

Restart your computer, and begin tapping F2 key which takes you into setup.
use arrow keys to go to boot tab, and make your CD drive 1st in the boot sequence, before the hard drive. Save, exit.

Only thing I can suggest then, is to replace that drive with a new one, format it, partition it, if you wish, and install xp. You can hookup your existing drive as a secondary or slave drive, and have access to your personal files.

I'm not sure the CD you are using is a bootable CD.
same error
i format my disk 10 times but nothing happens
but when i install my hdrive to the other pc its runs perfect without any error
i replaced the ram nothing happen
please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry: